
킬 안풀리네요..

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Hujibayasi Kyou
네.. 이제 쥐쥐임
제가 놀고있는 뱃 잡아서 5시쯤인가 1:1 챗하면서 물어보니까

딴소리만 자꾸하길래 짜증나서 그냥 풀어달라고만했는데

안됬나보네요 접속중일때만 킬풀리는게 가능한지는 잘모르겟는데 쩝

민엽님오면 다시한번 여쭤봐야할듯
죽은체로 사시길..(?)
원하시는대로 m980에게 밴 시켜달라고 부탁했습니다.

17:06 <ykcarrot> : hello m980
17:06 <m980> : hi
17:07 <ykcarrot> : could you do me a favor?
17:07 <m980> : what
17:07 <ykcarrot> : Hujibayashi_Kyou is banned in old days, and released it late by minyeob
17:07 <m980> : ok
17:08 <ykcarrot> : but he can't still log in osu
17:08 <m980> : and
17:08 <m980> : maybe you should tell the person
17:08 <m980> : who banned him
17:08 <ykcarrot> : He wanna ban again and release it. I don't know this process.
17:08 <m980> : wait what
17:08 <m980> : he wants to be banned again?
17:09 <ykcarrot> : is login possible when release it again?
17:09 <m980> : what?
17:09 <ykcarrot> : sorry, my poor Eng. :(
17:14 <ykcarrot> : Excuse me. He banned by minyeob. but he isn't in ban list.
17:15 <ykcarrot> : He wanna ban again.
17:15 <m980> : he wants to be banned?
17:15 <ykcarrot> : Excuse me. He banned by minyeob. but he isn't in ban list.
17:15 <ykcarrot> : oops
17:15 <ykcarrot> : mistake
17:15 <ykcarrot> : Hujibayasi_Kyou
17:16 <ykcarrot> : minyeob leave osu for a while. so I ask any bat in here. Sorry
17:16 <m980> : so
17:16 <m980> : you want me
17:16 <m980> : to ban him?
17:17 <ykcarrot> : yes. He asked to me
17:17 <m980> : uhh
17:17 <m980> : ok?
17:17 <ykcarrot> : He doesn't care.
17:17 <m980> : done
17:17 <ykcarrot> : thank you.
킬 풀어달란 소리 아니었음?
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