Artist: yiruma Title: mika's song Genre: classic Time: 1:21 Link: Keys: 4k,7k NM/HD it's only hit sound beatmap. so, u should hit sound(effect sound) on.
Artist: M2U Title: Quo Vadis Genre: Instrumental Time: 2:11 Link: Keys: all 4K and 7K diffs, except 4K EZ and NM Status: Pending
Hello KK~kun ><" Artist: Black Raison d'etre Title: Van!shment Th!s World Genre: Anime, Japanese Time: 1:30 Link: Keys: 4K and 7K mapset ^^ Status: Pending. Mod any difficult you want, KK~kun. Thank you so much.
Artist: Vospi Title: Roboposition!! Genre: Video Games? Because I saw this song in tapmania Time: 2:35 Link: Keys: 4K and 7K Status: Pending
It's ready for BAT check But a few request won't hurt
Artist: THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS Title: NEVER SAY NEVER -TV SIZE ENDING ver- Genre: Japanese Time:1:25 Link: Keys: 4K Status: Pending
Artist: Junk Title: Qualia Genre: Instrumental, Videogame (BMS) Time: 2:16 (2:14 drain) Link: t/269454 Keys: 4K Status: Pending~ I dunno if ur open but give it a shot feel free to mod the hard ones
Hi KK mod req here... (actually you ever check it before xD ) Artist: Camellia Title: werewolf howls. Time: 1:54 Link: Keys: 4K Status: Ready for Bubble
4 Diff with ichi x shana in the Infinite difficulty OwO