
Limericks: the Forum Game

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  • Introducing the rick of limes,
    the game 'bout funniest of rhymes.
    It's like songwriting,
    but more exciting,
    please pay us visits sometimes~
Cheesy as fuck, sorry.

Basically, if you don't know, take a peek. Or figure it out from the text above.
Write a proper limerick poem, and give the next person a proper subject to write about.
So, here we go. First subject:
Acid trip.
Critical Dude
(Wish me luck)
Like a trip to another dimension,
or a trip to your worst detention.
You can stay high,
or beat up McFly,
but you will never get your parent's attention. I tried

Rainy Days
Topic Starter
Ended have the sunny days,
when driving away from my summer place.
Year's first raindrop
lands on a dead crop,
wet have become the warm driveways.

Critical Dude
The base of heat and sweat,
where people walk around wet.
They avoid being dry
and think only of pie,
as they avoid remembering that they're in debt.

Topic Starter
All your base are belong to us,
so give up, don't make no fuss.
Both will be happy,
no need to make you feel crappy,
unless you want to be hit by a huge bus. wat

Fish head
They all warned me about that head,
It was what all the fishermen had said.
I walked over to it to take a pic,
But of stank of wet dick,
I wonder for how long it was dead.

Critical Dude
It was soon to be our new target,
the man with the red carpet.
Who killed a dude,
who happened to be nude,
before he headed off to the market.

Forum Thread revival >:]
There was once an old warden,
that died from boredom.
But it was all Peppy's fault,
because she lost the owc by default,
she should have never switched off her modem...

Topic Starter
One day I took a nice photo
of the garden, where I grew a nice pototo
Pototo's now in stew,
but yayy, another grew
in the place of the good ol' stew pototo.

They all told me I should go,
so I jumped there on my pogo.
I tried to land in the right country,
but missed and landed in Germany,
just where I'd always wanted to go

Topic Starter
Is it a Batman, is it a plane?
To me, honestly, kind of looks like a crane.
I don't know, dude,
could be Tyrone from da hood,
after snorting a line and been high off cocaine.

Static Noises
I wondered what is was I could hear,
or maybe I had just drank too much beer.
My sight began to get all fuzzy,
everything looked all funny,
this is the last time I ever eat raw deer.

Critical Dude
What monkeys love,
while I prefer to eat a dove.
It can drive you crazy,
unless you are lazy,
yet I have never put my thoughts above.

you might have the skills to create something new
or even be adept at something that can be only matched by few
but you must never forget
the biggest threat
there is always an Asian better than you

(I know it's wrong, but I couldn't think of anything else :s)

I was always told it would make me drool,
but all i wanted was to look cool.
So I packed my bag,
turned on all my SWAG,
But I still looked like a total fag

Topic Starter
Internet memes get old so fast,
somehow Doge's life will last.
Even in the form of coin,
the fad that we'll join,
because paper money's time is the past.

Radios, adios
Critical Dude
Old songs that are played from back in the day,
where everyone would feel pretty gay.
Modern music is weird,
like trying to grow a pointy beard,
yet I will always hate singing in a school play.

I was once buried five feet in clay
And yet I am walking today
So be very afraid
I am now an undead
You should get on your knees and pray

Topic Starter
In a place where no one goes,
underground, lies potatoes.
In the warm soil
beneath mortal coil,
how'd they get there, no one knows.


Critical Dude
White on the inside,
brown on the outside.
A tasty treat
that I think is neat,
which helps me build up my pride.

(I still exist)

Topic Starter
Walking on the roadside,
everyone in their feet died.
When flattened into pancakes,
bet everyone's back aches
putting property damage aside.

(I wish I didn't)

Santa Claus
Critical Dude
One appearance for the year,
one slaughtered deer.
Children cry tears of joy,
only to be given broken toys,
or lots of beer.

Topic Starter
This thread had faded to black,
until arrived the big ol Jack,
he jumped and poked,
he bumped and joked
and that was his revival attack.

Critical Dude
The thread had been blessed with light,
until the blackness took over the white.
But do not live in fear,
of the foes that are near
as humanity is ready to fight!

Genesis Good Luck
Topic Starter
Genesis by SEGA, that was a good console,
Genesis by Moses, it's time to sell your soul,
Genesis, good luck,
Genesis, don't give a fuck,
Genesis by NASA, most likely eaten by a black hole.

Critical Dude
You just got whipped,
I just got clipped!
Did you hear that "tick"?
Or was it a "click"?
Can I still get tipped?

Hotmail, what is that?
Can it be worn, like a hat?
Can you take it out for a walk,
or is it something that could talk?
No, Then what? :?

Please don't let this thread die.
I like it, that's no lie.
My word choices are stupid,
shall we go for cupid?
Yes, let's give that a try.

Through my heart it rushed,
the feelings within me huffed.
Could it be a cupid?
Fairy tales aren't stupid.
My world completely hushed.

Topic Starter
No time to eat anything
though it's only early morning.
Just a cup of coffee,
but no milk for me.
One day off would be so healing.

Exam week
As if a week wasn't enough,
but three weeks, it's going to be rough.
I swear I'll revise,
that would be wise,
but stopping procrastination is going to be tough. :/

Topic Starter
Can't stay up, can't go to sleep.
There is no way to self-upkeep.
The worst of all pain,
it'll drive you insane,
at least to the point where you'll weep. :/

A night out
Outside is really scary,
so you need to be wary.
Men are vexing,
they want sexing.
So you better act eerie.

Topic Starter
Everybody should do that,
otherwise you will get fat.
Need to stay healthy,
helps you get wealthy,
when you have energy to work and chat.

Public intoxication
Going to the club, everything is fine.
Waiting for the drink, standing in line.
Chugging up a bottle,
going full throttle.
I hope I won't pay the fine.

Lakeside home
Topic Starter
No way to find a calm place in urban mess,
want to find a distant little place, that I confess.
'Round a vast lake,
a neat home I would make.
Always thought that more and more is simply much less.

Big, bold letters to draw attention.
Short summary of the situation.
Hiding the rest,
leaving people to guess,
what is causing all the tension.

Polaroid cameras
Caught inside a drift
Picture upon a rift
static images
coming like mages
screaming "Do you even lift"

Topic Starter
Halls with tons of games and screens,
filled with professionals and teens.
Both old and new
will tempt you,
won't be able to leave by any means.

Jumping off from a metal box,
From a height that's higher than the limit of hawks.
Wait, oh shoot!
I forgot my parachute!
I hope I don't land on rocks. D:

Topic Starter
Cards are used in many ways,
greetings, business and even games.
Often papery and flat,
I bet you knew that.
In card there's always something that it displays. i'm lame lolollolololl

Remembering the bustling markets back in the Philippines,
was something I remember well, even now in my teens.
The smell was enticing,
and sometimes appetizing.
I'm getting the feeling of nostalgia, it seems. ;~;

Topic Starter
My favourite season, I love it a lot,
not too cold and not too hot.
Beautiful coloured trees,
me they really please.
Love spending many hours in my favourite spot.

New Year's
The months have finally passed.
It feels like this year went by fast.
Enjoying the party,
as Scotland enjoys Hogmanay.
The new year has started, at last.

Gold was once my favorite crayon
I bought a Crayola 128 pack for that reason
When I tried out the gold
It looked like brown mold
What a disappointment, in the bin Crayola rested for the season.

LOL, bump.
Let me reply in this thread,
as more ideas fill my head.
The amusing creativity never stops,
as I post until my head pops.
My laughter intensifies as I reply to a thread, nearly dead.
(Well, that was a bad one...)

Critical Dude
Sitting around a campfire,
in awkward silence amongst "one" liar.
A feeling that is queer...
Could it be fear?
Are we not to be connected through "one" wire?

The breeze intensifies,
carrying with it, girlish cries.
''Did you see?''
''A glimpse of my panty?''
''Nope'' says me, hiding my lies.


Beanie Babies
Topic Starter
I sadly never had myself one,
though they look original and fun.
Finnish stores and importers
make childhood shorter
by only bringing toys that are dumb.

Critical Dude
A time that was filled with cheers,
a time that was filled with tears.
As a child's soul keeps yearning,
their mind keeps learning.
In the end we're met with jeers.

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