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Good evening everybody! (depending were you live)

I've only just been playing Osu! over the past month and enjoying playing my favorite songs. Still with a keyboard and mouse but looking at buying a tablet. I thought that if i am to get better it would be good to familiarize myself with the community. More friends leads to better tips and will lead to success over prevailing over difficult songs. It's been just over a month and beat my first insane song yesterday though i would still say i am far from good, i can't succeed at most hard songs, alternating with x and y in streams is still a bit tricky for me.

Anyway what better way to start of my OSU! adventure than here introducing myself here, look forward to Cooperating with you all in the future :)
Welcome! :D
Welcome to osu!forums. I hope you will have a blast here and have fun. If you need any assistance, just contact me.
Yuuki Asuna
Welcome to the forums, mrbarklus! :) Enjoy your stay :3
[Maid] NekoRyo
Good introduction~ anyways hope you'll have a wonderful time here Barklus~ have fun!
Welcome Mrbarklus! I hope you have a great time here!

Mrbarklus wrote:

I've only just been playing Osu! over the past month and enjoying playing my favorite songs.
Great way to start and keep at it!
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Appreciate the warm greetings, I'm sure i can rely on you guys if i have a dilemma as navigating though the labyrinth of threads around here as it is quite confusing. Sorry for sounding like a broken record but thank you all once again ^.^
Welcome to the forums! Do you play LoL?
Welcome to Osu! Enjoy your stay ^.^
Welcome to the forums ! ~

Also, dat 300 post count ~
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LunarFox wrote:

Welcome to the forums! Do you play LoL?
Yeah, though i enjoying video games and anime in general. Love anything by Square Enix when it comes to video games (love J-RPG's) and anything by Kyoto animation when it comes to anime especially the adaptations from key. you can already guess my favorite i assume :3 I'm not a hipster i just like what is good. I'm sure everyone can relate
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