
Anime Theme Song Game

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(stolen from TvTropes :3)

Game Explanation and Rules

  1. The game is very easy to play. This list may seem long, but that's just because it gradually grew as the players brainstormed helpful ideas.
  2. I am thinking of an anime theme song. It can only be an opening song, or an ending song.
  3. You ask yes/no questions to discover the song. Then, say the song's name.
  4. This rule is generally relaxed: if your answer is unambiguous (e.g. "Is it the OP to [an anime with only 1 OP]?"), it's usually accepted.
  5. Whoever wins chooses the next song (or gives his/her turn to someone else).
  6. English and Japanese names can be used, and are interchangeable.
  7. You can not guess the name of something by trying to spell out its name, e.g., "Does the song's name start with a K?"
  8. You must begin your round with a hint phrased as a riddle.
  9. Subjective hints/questions are to be avoided.
  10. When somebody guesses correctly, declare his/her victory in the thread and post a video link to the theme song. State the song's name and the anime's name.
  11. Hentai is not allowed.
  12. You may choose to ask up to 3 questions in one post.
  13. You can not evade questions. If yes/no is invalid for an answer, explicate the answer. Example: Question "Is the anime an adaptation?" Answer: "Not exactly, the anime and the manga were produced simultaneously."
Topic Starter
reserved for round records
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Okay, let's start the ball rolling with an easy song!

Round 1

Hint: Since when does heaven have universities studying cruelty?

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