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Hello! I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but it seemed appropriate.

I made a thing called osu!time, which basically calculates approximately how many hours you've spent playing osu!.

It's not very accurate, though. It takes the 500 most recent ranked beatmaps, makes an average length, and multiplies your playcount by that average length, and then it divides it by about 1.7 to compensate for retries, etc.

Of course this wasn't thoroughly tested. I need your help to test it and improve the algorithm!

The formula is not final, and the results are subject to change at any given time.
If you would like to see a list of all recorded uses of osu!time, go to!time.txt

version 1.03
+ add how many times osu!time was used

version 1.02
+ fix issue where user could type in html code
+ fix issue where the osu!time picture did not lead back home
+ change domain to

version 1.011
+ add month to date in osu!time.txt

version 1.01 - august 21st 2014
+ new domain name (

version 1.0 - june 24th 2014
+ autofocus username field
Demmon has played osu! for approximately 1,950.6 hours.
That's 117,035.9 minutes, or 7,022,151.0 seconds. That's also 81.3 days, or 11.6 weeks!
Hmm, your idea looks good.

btw I don't know if it's true, for me I played more than 81.3 days

EDIT : 81.3 days, not years, sry

Demmon wrote:

btw I don't know if it's true, for me I played more than 81.3 years
Didn't know you were that old :D
Topic Starter

Demmon wrote:

Demmon has played osu! for approximately 1,950.6 hours.
That's 117,035.9 minutes, or 7,022,151.0 seconds. That's also 81.3 days, or 11.6 weeks!
Hmm, your idea looks good.

btw I don't know if it's true, for me I played more than 81.3 years
okay, because it doesn't really take into account very short songs.. it just takes the average length of 2 minutes per beatmaps.

EDIT: that's 81.3 days, not 81.3 years.
oops, sorry
Perhaps you should invest in a better TLD, .tk domains are usually associated with phishing sites and IP caches. .us domains run around $5/year. $10 for .com.

Interesting tool, though.
Topic Starter

Lach wrote:

Perhaps you should invest in a better TLD, .tk domains are usually associated with phishing sites and IP caches. .us domains run around $5/year. $10 for .com.

Interesting tool, though.
I probably will, but I can't currently afford it. is being set up, though.
[cocoa] has played osu!standard for approximately 95.00 hours.
That's 5,700.00 minutes, or 342,000.00 seconds. That's also 3.96 days, or 0.57 weeks!
Luna has played Taiko for approximately 586.00 hours.
That's 35,160.00 minutes, or 2,109,600.00 seconds. That's also 24.42 days, or 3.49 weeks!

Less than I expected tbh
Topic Starter

Luna wrote:

Luna has played Taiko for approximately 586.00 hours.
That's 35,160.00 minutes, or 2,109,600.00 seconds. That's also 24.42 days, or 3.49 weeks!

Less than I expected tbh
When I got 100ish hours I was surprised, expected way more. But it's only how many hours you've played, not idled.
Top Bunk
I feel like there could be a better way to calculate the time, I'm just not sure how. I find it kinda funny that my account is 4 years old but I only have 161 hours/6.71 days logged. I need to play more.
I played for almost 2 weeks...

I try this for rrtyui and the result...
silmarilen has played osu! for approximately 2,583.00 hours.
That's 154,979.95 minutes, or 9,298,796.84 seconds. That's also 107.62 days, or 15.37 weeks!
was expecting more tbh :P
Ayesha Altugle

maybe I should post Woobowiz's record on his thread
Topic Starter

SlasherZX wrote:

I feel like there could be a better way to calculate the time, I'm just not sure how. I find it kinda funny that my account is 4 years old but I only have 161 hours/6.71 days logged. I need to play more.
I doubt there is. The information I can get is very limited.

Wow I suck at this game.
You can get the amount of retries (or maybe passes, not too sure which it counts) on each played map from the scores.db.
You can also get the length of the map from the osu!.db, and then multiply that by the play/retry count.

Peppy doesn't like people doing this though but it is the only way to get the accurate total play time.
Also, it's only accurate if your scores.db has survived throughout the time you've played (personally mine randomly corrupted some time ago).
xasuma has played osu!standard for approximately 319.00 hours.
That's 19,140.00 minutes, or 1,148,400.00 seconds. That's also 13.29 days, or 1.90 weeks!

Sounds about right. Good job with this program!
Vuelo Eluko

xasuma wrote:

xasuma has played osu!standard for approximately 319.00 hours.
That's 19,140.00 minutes, or 1,148,400.00 seconds. That's also 13.29 days, or 1.90 weeks!

Sounds about right. Good job with this program!
Bassist Vinyl has played osu!standard for approximately 304.00 hours.
That's 18,240.00 minutes, or 1,094,400.00 seconds. That's also 12.67 days, or 1.81 weeks!


Bassist Vinyl wrote:

xasuma wrote:

xasuma has played osu!standard for approximately 319.00 hours.
That's 19,140.00 minutes, or 1,148,400.00 seconds. That's also 13.29 days, or 1.90 weeks!

Sounds about right. Good job with this program!
Bassist Vinyl has played osu!standard for approximately 304.00 hours.
That's 18,240.00 minutes, or 1,094,400.00 seconds. That's also 12.67 days, or 1.81 weeks!

Stalker. Lol

Oh and perhaps a way to make it more accurate would be to include somewhere in the algorithm your total hits, by calculating the average amount of notes in a song it can help you determine how long you have played by how many total hits you have based in the average songs you play. Which could be determined by your rank.
For example a rank 100k plays slower songs than me . Therefore their total hits take a longer time than mine. So you could scale it up to rank 1. Assuming rank 1 plays slightly more notes per minute than me.

Sorry if I explained myself poorly. I'm on a tablet and is annoying to type. :)

I also expected more, but I guess it makes sense if it only counts the actual playtime. Sadly we cant check our online time :<
Like the idea, gj :3


osu!time wrote:

Sonatora has played osu! for approximately 27.46 hours.
That's 1,647.66 minutes, or 98,859.37 seconds. That's also 1.14 days, or 0.16 weeks!
Welp, fuck you too
might be cool to have an optional thing that asks approximately what percentage of your plays are on unranked maps

then do (time played)*(1+(unranked%/100-unranked%)) = time played including unranked
Only 160 hours, wow. Again, guess it does make sense if it only counts actual playtime.
168 hours counting all game modes lol
TheVileOne has played osu! for approximately 778.71 hours.
That's 46,722.43 minutes, or 2,803,346.03 seconds. That's also 32.45 days, or 4.64 weeks!

I've spent way more time than this. Lots of time spent in multiplayer lowers the retry count.

It also doesn't count time spent in editor. It would be around 3000 if you count that.
97 Hours of Taiko and 2375
Expected something like 500 orso >.<
Topic Starter
To people asking for more accurate things calculations, the information I can get is very limited.
It says I played osu! for approximately 109.96 hours.
That's 6,597.40 minutes, or 395,843.97 seconds. That's also 4.58 days, or 0.65 weeks!

This is a pretty neat idea,I must say.
Wouldn't it be more accurate to use Total hits instead of Play count?
BRBP has played osu! for approximately 757.82 hours.

In reality this could be anything between 500 and 2000. This seems pretty pointless.
Topic Starter

TripLeTricKz wrote:

Wouldn't it be more accurate to use Total hits instead of Play count?
That's just another average.
ZenithPhantasm has played osu!standard for approximately 125.00 hours.
That's 7,500.00 minutes, or 450,000.00 seconds. That's also 5.21 days, or 0.74 weeks!

I think I play alot less since I mostly play DT or TV size beatmaps. (Hurray for my inability to focus for more than 2 minutes!)
- Marco -
Marcostudios has played osu! for approximately 310.05 hours.
That's 18,603.18 minutes, or 1,116,190.53 seconds. That's also 12.92 days, or 1.85 weeks!
naliem has played osu! for approximately 285.16 hours.
That's 17,109.66 minutes, or 1,026,579.49 seconds. That's also 11.88 days, or 1.70 weeks!

I thought it would be about 400 hours... little dissapointed here. I need to play more!
Coffee Hero
One thing a player could do to get a more accurate result is to time how long you play over X period of time (longer the better but probably about a week). compare it to how long the application say's you played in X time then multiply the entire value by the ratio of real time: calculated time. If your habits are generally consistent it will give a more accurate result I think.
Apparently This: otoed1 has played osu!standard for approximately 196.00 hours.
That's 11,760.00 minutes, or 705,600.00 seconds. That's also 8.17 days, or 1.17 weeks!

Rael Kertia has played osu! for approximately 956.61 hours.
That's 57,396.64 minutes, or 3,443,798.57 seconds. That's also 39.86 days, or 5.69 weeks!
Jesus Christ,I spend too much time on this game
Vsprite has been playing for approximately 245 hours

Thats quite alot for 6 months xdee 1.36 hours every day.
DustyFfy has played osu! for approximately 441.90 hours.
That's 26,514.28 minutes, or 1,590,856.74 seconds. That's also 18.41 days, or 2.63 weeks!

I need to get better at no-life playing apparently.
Xanaehla has played Osu! for approximately 360.18 hours
That's 21,610.86 minutes or 1,296,651.63 seconds. That's also 15.01 days or 2.14 weeks!
Topic Starter
I like shirokami-'s idea. I'd need some volunteers, though. I don't really have access to osu!, I'm on vacation.

osu!time wrote:

TheNekoNextDoor has played Catch the Beat for approximately 35.00 hours.
That's 2,100.00 minutes, or 126,000.00 seconds. That's also 1.46 days, or 0.21 weeks!
Topic Starter
I updated my domain, it's now Have a good day
InFish has played osu!mania for approximately 72.00 hours.
That's 4,320.00 minutes, or 259,200.00 seconds. That's also 3.00 days, or 0.43 weeks!

That doesn't' sound completely off, I'm just having a hard time thinking that the average beatmap I play is 1:21 long.
Faces3 has played osu! for approximately 350.96 hours.
That's 21,057.78 minutes, or 1,263,467.08 seconds. That's also 14.62 days, or 2.09 weeks!
Expected over 200 hours tbh.

This is really good.

Ehhh.. no - at least I wouldn't remember; I recall having a lot and lot of retries (and just quitting maps) upon hitting a simple 100 or just getting bored with stuff, so a large portion of my playcount is probably less than a minute in length, if not the vast majority of it.

  1. Average hitcount per map: 186,95

(Wish we could have official data on things like this, but I don't think that's been tracked anywhere ever (unlike in League..))

Jenny wrote:

Ehhh.. no - at least I wouldn't remember; I recall having a lot and lot of retries (and just quitting maps) upon hitting a simple 100 or just getting bored with stuff, so a large portion of my playcount is probably less than a minute in length, if not the vast majority of it.

  1. Average hitcount per map: 186,95

(Wish we could have official data on things like this, but I don't think that's been tracked anywhere ever (unlike in League..))
ohh was the website discontiniued?...thats sad, i really liked it
Topic Starter

Kingkevin30 wrote:

ohh was the website discontiniued?...thats sad, i really liked it
Sorry to all who are having trouble connecting to the site, I'm having major hosting issues. It will be back up ASAP, but in the meantime it will be down. I'll update when it's back up!
Topic Starter
Update: Site's back up! Nameservers went down but now they're all good.
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