
Catch the beat "fruit catcher" error

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So, since the new animation for the fruit ryuuta, it requires new names.
"fruit-catcher-fail, fruit-catcher-idle, fruit-catcher-kiai"
I did that, and still, I have the new default fruit catcher, can someone explain why? .-.

My .ini
Name: yami-shoujo
Author: Zak
SliderBallFlip: 0
CursorRotate: 1
CursorExpand: 1
CursorCentre: 1
SliderBallFrames: 1
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 0
ComboBurstRandom: 0
SliderStyle: 2
UpsideDown: 1

Combo1: 255,0,153
Combo2: 204,255,0
SliderBorder: 255,255,255
SpinnerApproachCircle: 255,255,255
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 3
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 5
Help please... I didn't know which forum to post this in.
I simply wrote Version: 2.2 in my skin.ini and it worked just fine. I did not even have to add the 2 new images. I'm using the default skin though so I dont know if that will work for you too.
you have fruit-catcher.png, not fruit-catcher-idle :p
also ask in skin support please
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