I was at an amusement park, and there was this ride, and one of the things flipped over, and the people enjoyed it, so the police came and found these mice thingies that controlled when the ride was going to flip the **** out. Then I walked a bit more and a man in a frilly dress was there waiting to save someone. Then two people in robes came out and were like "wth u dooin heer", and the people who were apparently with me said stuff, and they got their ass magically handed to them. One of the people in the robes was freakazoid. I sat next to the door waiting so I could get my tuba in the room. Then my marching band section leader came and said "I still have a little bit of adrenalin in me!" Then I got my tuba and saw a sign that said "HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY!", then I looked at a black guy, then I woke up.