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Hello.... I just ragequit osu.. so I went on forums to calm down abit ._.

ANYWAYS... Hi everyone, I am from germany, 21 years old.. I like osu(obv..) any kind of anime/manga/manwha nearly.. I read/watch tons of them >.>

AND I love Pizza *_*

Started playing osu 6 months ago or so.. I am gonna stick to mouse and keyboard.. my hand kinda hurts right now thats why i also take a break.

I don't know why my hand feels so numb after some time.. I mean I am hairdresser and i am used to hold my hand awkward with teh scissors for quite some time.. but osu just.. "throws mouse away" ._.

Well why I am mad/rage so much about it right now is because I am on the gap between Hard/Insane

anyways enough ._.

ColdbloodedXYZ wrote:

Well why I am mad/rage so much about it right now is because I am on the gap between Hard/Insane
Too soon. :|

Anyway, welcome to the forums! Hope you have a great time here. If you rage because of osu, I suggest just quitting for a couple of hours.
Don't rage too much, just have fun :D

Anyway, welcome to the forums and I hope you have a great time here!
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