저는 osu를 하려고하는데 로그인이 되지않습니다 반쵸봇에게 응답을 기다린다 라는 말만 나옵니다 인터넷 접속은 되어있습니다 재설치도 해보았습니다 넷프레임 워크도 재설치를 해보았습니다 하지만 되질않습니다 어떻게 하면 될까요?
이문자를 영어로 번역좀.,,,
지금 저 무한 로그인 상태중 로그인이 안됌...
I was going to play osu but I can't login. It is said that Bancho is always trying to connect but Bancho can't connect. My Internet is absolutely fine. Also I tried "re-install" to solve this problem. And I reinstalled Netframwork, too. But it failed. What should I do?
이문자를 영어로 번역좀.,,,
지금 저 무한 로그인 상태중 로그인이 안됌...
I was going to play osu but I can't login. It is said that Bancho is always trying to connect but Bancho can't connect. My Internet is absolutely fine. Also I tried "re-install" to solve this problem. And I reinstalled Netframwork, too. But it failed. What should I do?