
Hi everyone :3

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Hi I never really bothered to check forums but now I finally decided to :P

My name is Jonni (-> Johnny) and I'm almost 17 years old. I am Vietnamese but I live in Finland :D
I've been playing osu! for a year now and also play other games like League of Legends (High elo), DayZ and Counterstrike.
I want to play osu! more but dun have any friends to play with :c so I find it pretty much boring..

Need friends to play with :oops: feel free to add, invite or talk ^v^

Edit: Oh and I love watching anime xD
Welcome to the osu! forums, please enjoy your stay here.
Hey man, welcome to osu!
Enjoy your stay and everything!
Yuuki Asuna
Welcome to the forums, jonni! :3 (Asuna <3)
Vuelo Eluko
hi i used to be high elo too when elo still existed in season 2 [1700] but only plat 1 in season 3.. how is s4? worth playing?
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