
Phoenix Wright

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If any of you remember me talking about making a Phoenix Wright skin, I'm going to admit I had this done for quite a while but I never bothered uploading it. I decided to update the skin today with some more stuff, so here it is.

No countdown because I couldn't think of any sound clips I could use.

There's a lot that I like about this, especially the ideas used (love the spinner!)... mind if I play around with the graphics? I'm a real stickler for a "clean" look, and while the pixelated graphics are faithful to the game, I think it'd look better with a smooth look more like the background art, and I think I can do it.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Okay, here's what I came up with. I put them in two separate archives so you can choose which files to add to your skin (I didn't include anything that I didn't change).
This set is all graphic tweaks and such. I added shadow effects to a bunch of things (to prevent aliasing around the edges) and replaced sprites with higher resolution art wherever I thought it helped.
This set is mostly an alternate sliderball (note that it has 15 frames instead of 14, so I changed that in the ini) and a couple other things that I thought might add a little variety.

For the countdown, you can skin the graphics without touching the sounds, if you want. It might be fun to add some character art there. Are you planning on adding sounds to this skin at all?

That's all for now. Good work on this! Keep on skinning.
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Wow, those are great! Thanks! I like your ideas, so I'll use them for this new version
As for the sounds, I'm trying some sounds, tell me how you folks feel about them.
Click here for a new version with sounds and LuigiHann's ideas and graphics.
nice skin Level-Up , is very fun and is a great job
Great job. :) The countdown looks very nice. The sounds are pretty good overall; I tweaked the sliderwhistle so that it loops smoothly, and played around with the other sounds a bit so that they play right on the beat. I've also thrown in a couple other graphic things that came to mind. Feel free to use them or discard them.

And because I forgot to mention it before, I just have to say that the attorney's badge as the in-game star is really awesome. :)

Edit: Couple other suggestions:
-For the countdown, apply the same border you have around 2 and 3 to the 1 also. It looks a bit odd that they don't match.
-Either make the hitcircle lighter, or choose lighter colors in the skin.ini. It's hard to see the silhouette when the background around it is so dark.
-You might want to consider swapping the whistle and finish sounds. I suggest trying that out, and seeing which way sounds the best to you. If you do swap them, you'll probably want to use your original whistle sound rather than the one I just posted.

Other than that, I think we're getting pretty close to the point where this skin is getting close to the point where I'll start bugging Peppy to add it to the updater. ;) Let us know when you consider it finished. :)
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I like the Slider score point and Hit 0 image, I'm definitely using it in the new version. Which will be released... now.
the first skin was cool , but this new version is awesome , i like the X
keep the great work ,

CHEERS! :) :)



There are only two things I find short of perfect with this skin.

1 - The "Are You Ready?" and "Go!" could do with a bit of anti-aliasing =<
2 - Watch the spinner. There's about 40 pixels of nothing at the top (which is normally covered by the lifebar) that look ugly just sitting there as it shows the background underneath; if you ask me, they should be filled in - possibly just fill it black, or you could be creative and put something there. My Wind Waker skin does the same thing unfortunately =X (By increasing the size of the background image you can cover this up, riiight?)

Apart from that, magnificent. I didn't care too much for the slider ball image at first, but after four or so maps it's grown on me. Love it.
Epic skin! Really fun to play. Only thing I can see I don't like is the way the slider tracks are fatter than the hit circles (due to the smaller overlay you are using). Maybe you can increase the size of the hitcircle graphic and move the overlay out a few pixels to make up for this?

[quote="awp"]2 - Watch the spinner. There's about 40 pixels of nothing at the top (which is normally covered by the lifebar) that look ugly just sitting there as it shows the background underneath;/quote]
I have a feeling the default skin is the same. I originally did this by design... but maybe it needs to change? :/
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@awp: Although I agree with you on that they need some anti-aliasing, but I just can't get the "Are you Ready?" and "Go!" images to have anti-aliasing. If any can think of a way to add anti-aliasing to them, please let me know.
@Peppy How does this work for you? Note: The beats may be one or two pixels off from the slider but if I made the outline any bigger it would look awkward.

Well, to be honest, the best I can do is try to replicate the Are You Ready? and Go! by scratch.

I tried hacking at the one provided in the skin and was able to anti-alias the black border. The inside is still a bit pixellated, but without the correct font it's going to be a much bigger nuisance than it has to be.

If you could send or at least specify the exact font used, I'd be happy to remake the Are You Ready? and the Go! for you. For now, here's the Go! with an iota of improvement.

EDIT: Hmm. That looks pretty sharp...I wonder if I'm actually using the right font...=X
EDIT EDIT: No, I'm not. It's just close.
EDIT EDIT EDIT: Here's a totally re-rendered Go!. It's not a pixel perfect replication, but it has that whole AA thing going on. Also, it's really fucking close, okay ;(

Eh. To be honest, I think those particular bits of text are fine with the pixelation; they're large and easy to read, and don't suffer much in the resizing. If you want them redone, though, I can do it. What font did you use, Level-Up? Come to think of it, what program are you using that doesn't allow anti-aliasing of text?

Level-Up! wrote:

@Peppy How does this work for you? Note: The beats may be one or two pixels off from the slider but if I made the outline any bigger it would look awkward.
Did you just increase the outline size? I was thinking just resize the actual inner piece, and then move the outline outwards without changing the thickness.
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@LuigiHann: I'm using Photoshop, but the reason why the Go! and Are you Ready doesn't have Anti-Aliasing is because I have to simplify the text to give them a gradient and this process removes all anti-aliasing in the text.

@Peppy: Hmm, I know what you mean now, I'll give that a try.

Level-Up! wrote:

@LuigiHann: I'm using Photoshop, but the reason why the Go! and Are you Ready doesn't have Anti-Aliasing is because I have to simplify the text to give them a gradient and this process removes all anti-aliasing in the text.
Oh, but I don't think you have to do that? :? You can apply a gradient overlay in the same "blending options" menu where you apply a drop shadow or outline.
Hell, you could do it with a layer effect if you really wanted to.

Gradient Overlay, they calls it.

But what about my Go! is that AA'd enough ;(
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I can't find that in my filters/layer styles/effects menu. I'm using Photoshop Elements 4.0 which has a different interface from the other Photoshops.

As for your Go! awp, I think it looks great! Nice job.

BTW, the font I'm using for this is Sylfaen.
Oh crap, AWP, I didn't see that you redid it over again. >_< I only saw the version where you just redid the border. Crap. Oh well.

wow your Go! looks identical to mine at first take, but in truth it is approximately 140 bytes smaller!
I've put up your last archived version. When you get a new release ready, I'll update it to latest ;). Felt this was too good not to include along with the epic public release I prepared.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.


Bombermans wrote:

The links are dead... :(
That's sad, but you can install this skin through the "get more skins" button in the skin select in options.
Where is the "Get More Skins" button? I don't see it...

xXSpike12345Xx wrote:

Where is the "Get More Skins" button? I don't see it...
The was done away with.

Also, please do not post in very old threads, thank you.
I would like if you re-uploaded this skin T^T, it´s no more longer avilable :C
I made a Phoenix Wright skin of my own, but im not even done with it.
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