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[ Pingu ]

Link: ... 7126_n.png
U/S/A/O: Avatar
Dimensions: 128 x 128
Color adjust: No
Other effects: Ok
1px border: Ok
Rounded corners: Yeah
Text: Pingu
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Here we go.

[ Pingu ]

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Here we go.

SEXYYYY. Thank you Birdie. :3
SNB and NEDM's new shop! Good luck!

What are included in othershit category and can I use those premade avatar edits and edit them?
Damn it I would request something if satriobp already didn't make my stuff :3

Anyways, like the stuff.

(so unless you can make gifs I have no other business here :P)
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piruchan wrote:

What are included in othershit category and can I use those premade avatar edits and edit them?
Other shit is anything your mind can think of (because mine can think of nothing).

Yes, you can edit them slightly (like adding the border and your name - I'd appreciate if you didn't do any radical adjustments with it, though).

kirukashi wrote:

(so unless you can make gifs I have no other business here :P)
I think NEDM can make .gif edits (I should really ask what program is he using for them), not sure what do you mean and what can he do. I shall ask him about that (and notify him about this new thread in the first place).

Static Noise Bird wrote:

kirukashi wrote:

(so unless you can make gifs I have no other business here :P)
I think NEDM can make .gif edits (I should really ask what program is he using for them), not sure what do you mean and what can he do. I shall ask him about that (and notify him about this new thread in the first place).
Yeah, i actually didn't knew you made a new thread.

I didn't entirely signed up for this one, especially so unexpectedly sudden, since i told you to wait until you open up a new thread (rooting to various reasons i've told you about) i might volunteer myself again to do stuff.
Though, don't expect me to show up as frequent(?) as i did before, i might come here once every few weeks or so.
Just as an FYI to everyone, including you SNB.

and about the .gif request, depends on what the user wants me to do.
Cutting out a scene from an anime to convert it into a .gif is no problem, adding it into a signature might be a little more difficult but not impossible (meaning incorperating an existing .gif into something new) and anything else is open even entirely original content sprouting from an still image.
About the last one though, it takes time to come up with ideas and probably getting all materials done altogether until i actually begin working on the animation.
That means automatically that i would do that last one only if i know that the person who requested it has a very good reason to have and want one and also upkeeps a good reputation around Osu!, if in the forums or ingame doesn't matter, but at least it's someone who is at least a bit "known" by people.

Besides that, basic animations are no probs as long as the request is simple but reasonable to request.
Your introduction already looks so awesome >: so let me try this, haha.

U/S/A/O: Avatar
Dimensions: 128x128
Color adjust: No need
Other effects: Yes, please
1px border: Sure
Rounded corners: Whatever looks better, if it's not too much work maybe both? :c
Text: Ririi

Thank you a lot in advance. :)
Ash Cat
Link: http://www.minnesotalaboremploymentlawb ... 22255_.jpg
U/S/A/O: userpage
Dimensions: 620 x 185
Color adjust: If you think it will look nice with it, I give you permission
Other effects: Yes
1px border: Your Choice
Rounded corners: Yes
Text: Ash Cat's Userpage

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Ririi: I'd really appreciate both a bigger picture, and a better quality.

Ash Cat:
Oooh SNB also doing this now :)
Have fun with your queue and don't suffocate under the stress ~
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Haya wrote:

Oooh SNB also doing this now :)
Have fun with your queue and don't suffocate under the stress ~
Started 2 months and 4 days ago :roll:
Okay, I added another link.. fine with that one?
Hello I want to try your art~~~~

U/S/A/O: Userpage
Dimensions: 620 x 185
Color adjust: I'm not an artist so I would like you to pick for me if that's ok?
Other effects: like what I said earlier anything will do plss~~~
1px border: Yes
Rounded corners: No
Text: -TetsuyaKuro-

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Ririi wrote:

Okay, I added another link.. fine with that one?

Working on the requests now.
hi. i have a request o/

Link: here
Dimensions:128x128 or 256x256
Color adjust:nope. just remove the background
Other effects:kawaii pls
1px border:up2you
Rounded corners:nope
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Sorry that these took a little longer than supposed, my mom really felt the need to be a douchebag.

Working on Yuzuru's request soon.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Sorry that these took a little longer than supposed, my mom really felt the need to be a douchebag.

Working on Yuzuru's request soon.
Thank yeeeww~~~~~ So muchhhhh
[ Aki ]
I would like to post a request c:
Color adjust: eh not really
Other Effects: nope
Size: i guess perfect for osu!
Transparent: yes pls. but if u cant its ok
rounded corner: nope
Text: "Aky~"
May you please put 1 pic without text~ i just wanna see how it looks.

I really appreciate it :) thank u
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Akyru wrote:

I would like to post a request c:
Color adjust: eh not really
Other Effects: nope
Size: i guess perfect for osu!
Transparent: yes pls. but if u cant its ok
rounded corner: nope
Text: "Aky~"
May you please put 1 pic without text~ i just wanna see how it looks.

I really appreciate it :) thank u
...and which one is this supposed to be?

most of the time it's fine if you leave either size or U/S/A/O out, but if you leave both, don't expect me to know what to do
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Yuzuru's avatar done.

[ Aki ]

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Akyru wrote:

I would like to post a request c:
Color adjust: eh not really
Other Effects: nope
Size: i guess perfect for osu!
Transparent: yes pls. but if u cant its ok
rounded corner: nope
Text: "Aky~"
May you please put 1 pic without text~ i just wanna see how it looks.

I really appreciate it :) thank u
...and which one is this supposed to be?

most of the time it's fine if you leave either size or U/S/A/O out, but if you leave both, don't expect me to know what to do
sorry it was an avatar i wanted.
Thanks SNB! :D well done~
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You're welcome, Yuzuru.

Akyru wrote:

sorry it was an avatar i wanted.
Alrighto. Working on it now.
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Alright, it was easier than it seemed at first. I hope it looks okay.

[ Aki ]

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Alright, it was easier than it seemed at first. I hope it looks okay.

its perfect . thank you ^-^

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Sorry that these took a little longer than supposed, my mom really felt the need to be a douchebag.

Working on Yuzuru's request soon.

Thanks a lot! Love this avatar. :)
Hey bro 8-)
U/S/A/O: Userpage
Dimensions: 620 x 192
Color adjust:I think nope
Other effects:Make it Awesome please ~~
1px border:Yes
Rounded corners:No
Text:Welcome to Iman's Userpage
hehehe Thanks Before :D
Hello! c:
U/S/A/O: Avatar
Dimensions: 128x128
Color adjust: Black and white
Other effects: Nothing~
1px border: Yup
Rounded corners: Nope
Text: キラ


U/S/A/O: Signature
Dimensions: 640x120
Color adjust: Black (maybe...)
Other effects: Transparent bg. I mean like your signature. Just the simple render, nothing else.
1px border: No~
Rounded corners: No~
Text: Nothing~
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Working on Kyra's requests now.
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Woah, thanks. :D
Umm... a bit problem. The signature pic dont working. Its not appear. :o
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Which one did you try?

E: Actually, it doesn't matter. It's just because peppy sucks at making the http://i.ppy links work.
Here's the imgur/ links:


Pick your favourite, they are in the same order as previous post.
Thankyou, its working now. :)
[quote="Static Noise Bird"]Iman

thanks :)
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Always happy to help~
Hello static~~~~<3 2 requests for now~~!<3 hehe

Type: Regular Avatar
Image Link:
Size: 128x128
Text: -TetsuyaKuro-
Border: round edges please~~~
Border as i'm not an artist pls decide for me any one would do tyty and whatever suites the pic
Additional and Extra Information: make it awesome~~~<3 :oops:

Type: Signature
Image Link:
Size: 623x193
Text: 'Aim For The Stars' and -TetsuyaKuro- ~~<3 ( can you make the text with effects like disappearing and stuff thanks~~)(the name just put it anywhere!)
Border: yes
Border Type: ^ like I said not an artist so any would do
Additional and Extra Information: ^ make it look cute~~~ :lol:

Thank yeeew Static~~~~~<3 :P
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I don't think that big signatures are allowed (max height is 140 pixels or something)

I'll make a smaller version soon if you'd like to give me a new size~

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I don't think that big signatures are allowed (max height is 140 pixels or something)

I'll make a smaller version soon if you'd like to give me a new size~

will you pls choose the size?? i'm not really sure of it. thank you SNB~~<3
if you can, will you please add effects to my avatar that I requested~~~like the name disappearing and reappearing again and again??
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I'll make it around 600x140 then.

I think I can do the effect, I'll try (this is the first time doing it).
Thank you SNB~~~<3 I really appreciate it~~~ i'll be cheering for you!!<3
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Here they are~

Code for signature is here, in case the i.ppy system still does not work.
updated this post~~~ :P
by any chance do you do images for desktop wallpaper??
if yes,
Text: ~~Welcome to My Desktop~~
Dimensions: 1366x768
Extra: add effects and anything to make it more spectacular

Thanks let me know if u can or can't do it
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You're welcome~
Link: Here it is
U/S/A/O: Avatar
Dimensions:128 x 128 px
Color adjust: A little saturated.
Other effects: Reddish background and time related stuff :D
1px border: Yes, black color
Rounded corners: No
Text: VR (similar to my current one).

I really liked your art and decided to give it a shot :)

Thanks in advance!
updated my previous post~~~~ :P
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I'll work on the requests now.

Also I broke the img tag accidentally for your sig (which is probably why it doesn't show up), the correct one is here:
Thanks SNB~~~ yea no wonder~~ Thank you :oops:
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