感觉外国的osu player都蛮小的,Chinese区的普遍应该是高中生和大学生,嘛,投票看看到底分布咋样
At first I'm plan to group it according to different student hierarchy, but the age of school student of each country would be different. So just devide it into 6 groups, per 5 yeas a group. I was always thinking that forein friends are young. Well,
just a statistics
感觉外国的osu player都蛮小的,Chinese区的普遍应该是高中生和大学生,嘛,投票看看到底分布咋样
At first I'm plan to group it according to different student hierarchy, but the age of school student of each country would be different. So just devide it into 6 groups, per 5 yeas a group. I was always thinking that forein friends are young. Well,
just a statistics