简直不能更DIO更劳模XDRegraz wrote:
All done.
Take a break, will open again later.
没GD可做。。只好MODF D Flourite wrote:
简直不能更DIO更劳模XDRegraz wrote:
All done.
Take a break, will open again later.
I have 600+ combo... ;w; sadRegraz wrote:
Since I was so sad that I did not do well in my exam really TwT, open for 2 NM Slots....
EXTRA rules this time:
The combo of your hardest diff must be under 501, which is the lowest score for the students in my province who want to be admitted to the 1st batch of the universities.
Dont worry, You are special, I can give you many tickets since you inspire me to map. XDF D Flourite wrote:
I have 600+ combo... ;w; sadRegraz wrote:
Since I was so sad that I did not do well in my exam really TwT, open for 2 NM Slots....
EXTRA rules this time:
The combo of your hardest diff must be under 501, which is the lowest score for the students in my province who want to be admitted to the 1st batch of the universities.
huehueRegraz wrote:
比170少qwq so sad
的确gg……imoutosan wrote:
bpm169 gg
Regraz wrote:
Since this is the first time that I re-open my queue
There is a misunderstanding caused by my expression.handsome wrote:
https://osu.ppy.sh/s/190486 Aoba? idk if queue is openRegraz wrote:
Since this is the first time that I re-open my queue
it is okay, thank you ^^Regraz wrote:
There is a misunderstanding caused by my expression.
Already closed. But I will mod your map so dont worry.
What's that? :pRegraz wrote:
wow, I understand through this: my level is lower