
[osu!stable] [resolved] [osu!web] weird bss stuff

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Problem details: I uploaded beatmapsets/2336443#osu/5015875 this map, and noticed some weird stuff going on when trying to redownload my original map of the same song.

The old map is downloadable through the beatmap listing and merges with the new set inside the osu client but doesnt seem to have its own page anymore, i haven't updated the old set since 2019. The new set doesn't appear to have anything strange going on.
listing: (beatmapsets?q=title%3D%22%22Timeless+Dissonance%22%22&s=any)

I believe i uploaded the new map by editing the metadata of the original, but i reset the beatmapset id to -1 before uploading.

Is this a known bug and is there any way to fix it without updating the old set?

Thanks in advance :)

osu! version: Stable 20250309.2 (latest)

cerule wrote:

listing: (beatmapsets?q=title%3D%22%22Timeless+Dissonance%22%22&s=any)
I don't see this on the listing anymore. Do you have that old set somewhere? Can you upload it somewhere, or at least give its set ID?

I think chances are high that you just messed up the overwrite operation somehow and the old set is just completely gone. I'm guessing that based on the fact that on your screenshot the old set has no difficulty indicators anymore next to the "graveyard" sign, i.e. it is an empty set.
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Oh weird, it does appear to be gone now, took a couple hours for it to catch up it seems. It still appears on my userpage as though, with the same 0 difficulties (close to the bottom of my uploaded (graved maps). The id it sends me to is, I'll favourite the map to make it easier to find.

It appears to be an empty set, but downloading with the download button still downloads the old map from somewhere.

it combines with the new set, replaces the name of the bg with the old name i used, and sets itself to unsubmitted ss/19531898/06e7

im not too worried about recovering the old map btw, it's just really unusual, i've done this before and i'm not sure what ive done differently for it to have this effect (beatmapsets/1282740#osu/2664134 beatmapsets/2229672#osu/4731216)

(aspire 2025 quantum upload mapping)
Maybe I can see one scenario when this can happen - you said that you reset the beatmapset ID in -1 in the .osu, but did you do the same thing to the individual beatmap IDs?

Also, just to confirm, you’re updating via stable or via lazer?
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i updated the map through stable.

here's the current metadata for both maps, i believe i set the beatmap id to 0 before upload but i might not have, i dont see any other way something like this could happen lol

Title:Timeless Dissonance
TitleUnicode:Timeless Dissonance
Artist:Takamachi Walk
ArtistUnicode:Takamachi Walk

Title:Timeless Dissonance
TitleUnicode:Timeless Dissonance
Artist:Takamachi Walk
ArtistUnicode:Takamachi Walk

cerule wrote:

i believe i set the beatmap id to 0 before upload but i might not have, i dont see any other way something like this could happen lol
I think this is going to have to be the consensus. There is code in stable's submission pathways which I can believe could do this if you forgot to reset the beatmap IDs before submitting - it would mark all difficulties on the old set as deleted, but then not change the contents of the .osz package stored in any way, resulting in a weird beatmap set with zero difficulties listed online but which apparently downloads fine.

I believe it is impossible to do something like this on lazer submission - it'll reject any incoming beatmap IDs when creating a new set.
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