Problem details: I uploaded beatmapsets/2336443#osu/5015875 this map, and noticed some weird stuff going on when trying to redownload my original map of the same song.
The old map is downloadable through the beatmap listing and merges with the new set inside the osu client but doesnt seem to have its own page anymore, i haven't updated the old set since 2019. The new set doesn't appear to have anything strange going on.
listing: (beatmapsets?q=title%3D%22%22Timeless+Dissonance%22%22&s=any)

I believe i uploaded the new map by editing the metadata of the original, but i reset the beatmapset id to -1 before uploading.
Is this a known bug and is there any way to fix it without updating the old set?
Thanks in advance
osu! version: Stable 20250309.2 (latest)
The old map is downloadable through the beatmap listing and merges with the new set inside the osu client but doesnt seem to have its own page anymore, i haven't updated the old set since 2019. The new set doesn't appear to have anything strange going on.
listing: (beatmapsets?q=title%3D%22%22Timeless+Dissonance%22%22&s=any)
I believe i uploaded the new map by editing the metadata of the original, but i reset the beatmapset id to -1 before uploading.
Is this a known bug and is there any way to fix it without updating the old set?
Thanks in advance

osu! version: Stable 20250309.2 (latest)