
Help creating a tablet monitor switcher script

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I'm trying to create a batch script which would swap the monitor my tablet tracks the cursor on. (I have the Huion H420, same as osu!tab.)

As far as I know, all the tabcfg.exe config application changes when swapping the monitor is modify a registry value "MapMonitorType" between 1 and 2. As seen here:, every other value stays the same. Changing this value alone doesn't do anything, though, and this is what I need help with.

If I change the registry value and restart "WinTabService" (C:\> NET STOP WinTabService && NET START WinTabService) the monitor does get switched. This takes around 5 seconds, though, so it defeats the purpose since while waiting I could just grab the mouse.

How does tabcfg.exe do this instantly? Any ideas?

iotRL wrote:

How does tabcfg.exe do this instantly? Any ideas?
It changes the registry value and reads it which doesn't take long.
Changing it won't do anything ofcourse since the program is running and using the already specified set value. It won't do anything unless the program calls the registry value again.

I suggest you seek help at stackoverflow for things like this.
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