
[invalid] [osu!lazer] Finding my missing beatmap in osu!lazer

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I opened my game today and tried to find whatever I was mapping a few days ago. I couldn't find it.

I figured it must be the lazer file system, and the thing that maps the files became corrupt due to some reason I don't know, and the data reverted to some older state.

The game just updated when I opened it today, so I tried replacing the client.realm file with a backup one from the update, and same thing, it didn't work. There's no other realm file there, so I gave up on that file.

Instead, I tried finding the missing beatmap difficulties in the osu-lazer files directory. I searched for files that contained the map title in their content. I looked into the files to see if it's the difficulty I need. And, I found one.

Copied it and set the extension to .osu
Put it into a zip file.
Renamed the extension to .osz
Imported it into lazer.

I thought that maybe I edited multiple difficulties before, so I looked through each file. And, I found 6 more. I renamed the difficulty names to prevent potential shenanigans, then it was the same procedure.


lol I suck at mapping. I'm never uploading this crap.


Nagging time. I hate the osu!lazer file system. The realm file thing getting corrupted and changed around breaks stuff. It should be backed up more often. It would be nice if the F5 refresh function in stable could also work in lazer to recover from stuff like beatmap records getting wrong.


PS: The reverted data was WAY ealier than I thought! Sorting the beatmaps by date added shows me maps I've added months ago. ;-; This sucks.


And doesn't this mean my local scores and replays are gone too???

i will cry in the corner

Wait. I think I can recover my replay data if they have a recognizable replay format. And if the osu beatmap format can be recognized as well, maybe beatmap files outside the realm file can be converted from lazer to stable format. And then, I can import them back. Hmmm. The collection's probably lost though. That sucks.
oh...I will just quietly move this to help forums...
Your thread is like a mix of questions and featured requests lol.
I have no idea how to respond to any of this because none of this describes what @LnR actually did at any point to enter the broken state.

Maybe begin by describing how you made these beatmaps, what you might have done to your PC that might have caused this, what your storage situation is (external drive? whatever?)

I hate the osu!lazer file system. The realm file thing getting corrupted and changed around breaks stuff. It should be backed up more often. It would be nice if the F5 refresh function in stable could also work in lazer to recover from stuff like beatmap records getting wrong.
The point of locking the storage down was to make the "f5 refresh function" not required. 99.9999% users are probably not experiencing any issues of this sort because if they had, then I'd like to think I'd be seeing many many many more of these complaints in various spaces - but I'm not, so...
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Sorry, I didn't mean to ask for support.

Context just in case
The beatmapset was imported from stable. Then, I made new difficulties in lazer.

I play on a laptop with 2 internal SSDs for storage. (Windows on its own SSD)
I dual boot between Linux and Windows. Both have osu!lazer installations that point to the same data dir.
I only play on Linux, but I accidentally opened osu!lazer while on Windows before this happened.
I was also trying out custom rulesets, downloaded all of them, some errored out. And when I closed osu! that time, I think there was a difficulty calculation running and I may have... ignored the warning. Yeeaaahhhh, this was probably the cause. lol
I can't really remember what else happened, but I'm 99% sure it's the last one.

Out of the "6 more" difficulties I found, 5 of them were the same difficulty, but were at different points when I was editing and saving it. Not sure why they're all there.

I see no hope recovering the realm anyway. I saved my data for the next time I'm bored and wanna do some hackerman things.

spaceman_atlas wrote:

The point of locking the storage down was to make the "f5 refresh function" not required.
Yes, it wouldn't be required with the new system. I just meant I wished the manual rescan still worked in lazer. It could probably be designed to work with lazer's storage with limited capability, but beyond what I've read in the osu! github wiki, idrk.

spaceman_atlas wrote:

99.9999% users are probably not experiencing any issues of this sort
I think so as well, so I assume it's a me problem.

Lyawi wrote:

Your thread is like a mix of questions and featured requests lol.
This is a weird feature request if it is one. I was just telling a story and yapping in general xd
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