
Graphics Shop with Pingu! [CLOSED (Forever? Please read!)]

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[ Pingu ]

Before we even get started, let's explain how I got here to make stuff for you all. Lately I have been working on Photoshop and it's actually been going pretty well, so, I decided to open a shop just to see what you guys think and if you want to use the stuff I make or not if you request. I'd say my style is probably a little bit different to others, but, it's still pretty cool. ^w^


Please don't steal my art or claim as yours.
Don't request too often, allow a week before you request again.
No low quality images.
Ask if you want your image transparent.
Do not re-edit my work at all (unless it's a free avatar)!
Be paitent! <3


Request Formats! <3 (Standard signature size = 640x150, Standard userpage size = 623x193, Standard avatar size = 128x128)

NOTE ABOUT AVATARS!: With the boarders, I can only make boarders if the picture you want is non-transparent or doesn't want to be transparent.

Request: Avatar
Text (Optional):
Transparent or Not:

Request: Userpage/Signature
Text (Optional):

If you love my graphics, be sure to support me with this button! <3

So...yeah enjoy and start requesting. <3

P.S Also, maybe possibly give me some tips! ;o
Request Banner please 8-)
Text (Optional): OSU Need More nano.Ripe
Size: 400 x 250
Extra: Make It awesome please :o

Thanks Before
Good luck with this Pingu! :)
Good luck! Maybe I'll request something.
Goodluck pingu :3
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Aww, thanks for the support guys! :3
P.S At school at the moment, so I'll do it when I get home. :)
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

iman25 wrote:

Request Banner please 8-)
Text (Optional): OSU Need More nano.Ripe
Size: 400 x 250
Extra: Make It awesome please :o

Thanks Before
Sorry, but the picture you chose is very low quality, it'll look like this...

Please pick another picture, sorry for the incident. >n<'
Good luck <3
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

Kurapika wrote:

Good luck <3
Thank you. <3
okay :)
hmm maybe,you just need to add a text and effects. :D
thanks before
Good luck Pingu <3
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

AyaMiku wrote:

Good luck Pingu <3
Thank you. ;ooo
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

Sorry for the wait! I had a few issues, again, the rendering was a bit too low quality, but, I didn't want to keep asking you for an image with good quality, anyway, here it is!


OMGPingu wrote:


Sorry for the wait! I had a few issues, again, the rendering was a bit too low quality, but, I didn't want to keep asking you for an image with good quality, anyway, here it is!

okay never mind 8-)
Thanks for the banner :D
orz I'm latee~ anyways good luck haha xD
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[ Pingu ]
Thank you~! :3
Your welcome ouob
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

Chimeirinkyuu wrote:

Your welcome ouob
Lol. >w<b
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
(Deleted Message)

OMGPingu wrote:

Doing some more examples right now~! C:
Just taking this from something a person said to me, but you don't need to post stuff to keep your thread close to the top and you don't need to say if you're doing more stuff or waiting for requests just let people come to you or you can bump when necessary. :3

Sorry to be a bother Pingu-Senpai! :c

Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

[- Nightmare -] wrote:

OMGPingu wrote:

Doing some more examples right now~! C:
Just taking this from something a person said to me, but you don't need to post stuff to keep your thread close to the top and you don't need to say if you're doing more stuff or waiting for requests just let people come to you or you can bump when necessary. :3

Sorry to be a bother Pingu-Senpai! :c

Sorry. ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;--;-;-;-;-;-;-; It's just that I'm really bored and requests would be very nice. ;-;
(P.S Dat Picture is amazing. <3)

OMGPingu wrote:

Sorry. ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;--;-;-;-;-;-;-; It's just that I'm really bored and requests would be very nice. ;-;
(P.S Dat Picture is amazing. <3)

No need to apologize as I know exactly how you feel, but don't try to make and image of desperation, just let requests come to you.
P.S I made that image especially for that post. <3
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

[- Nightmare -] wrote:

OMGPingu wrote:

Sorry. ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;--;-;-;-;-;-;-; It's just that I'm really bored and requests would be very nice. ;-;
(P.S Dat Picture is amazing. <3)

No need to apologize as I know exactly how you feel, but don't try to make and image of desperation, just let requests come to you.
P.S I made that image especially for that post. <3
;w; Ok.
P.S You're amazing for taking up your time to do that pic. xD
If i'm honest, it took like 20 seconds ^-^ but it's nice to think it took 5-10 mins :3

Also i've been waiting for requests but it takes time :P
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

[- Nightmare -] wrote:

If i'm honest, it took like 20 seconds ^-^ but it's nice to think it took 5-10 mins :3

Also i've been waiting for requests but it takes time :P
True I guess. But come on at my type of age I'm quite inpaitent and excited for requests. xD
Request: Avatar
Text (Optional): tkomaster2
Size: 180x217 ?
Transparent or Not: no
Boarder: yes

hope this is correct thank in advance :)
Request: Signature
Image: Click Click! OwO
Text (Optional): Hope everyone have fun!
Size: 620x150
Transparent or not: no
Border: no

And Good Luck with your Graphics shop Pingu :)
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Yay! Thank you for the requests! <3
:arrow: tkomaster2
I did 2 sizes, one which is the original size and is used on most forums (for example osu!) and the other the size you requested. :)

:arrow: Kano
I did one for the correct english grammar, and the other the text you requested. :) P.S You accidentally used the Avatar form. xD
Nice :3 and thanks for correct my grammar

OMGPingu wrote:

Yay! Thank you for the requests! <3
:arrow: tkomaster2
I did 2 sizes, one which is the original size and is used on most forums (for example osu!) and the other the size you requested. :)

:arrow: Kano
I did one for the correct english grammar, and the other the text you requested. :) P.S You accidentally used the Avatar form. xD
thanks and good luck also with your shop :) :)
Request: Signature
Text (Optional): Sorageru
Size: 500x88
Extra: --

Thank you so much. I hope it's not too late ' w '
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Thanks for requesting! <3
:arrow: Sorageru

OMGPingu wrote:

Thanks for requesting! <3
:arrow: Sorageru
wow. It's so pretty <3 thank you! :3 :)
Request: Avatar
Text: Rex
Size: I don't really know what size whatever is the biggest size osu can have which i think is 128x128 i guess i would want that
Transparent or Not: No
Boarder: Yes
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Thanks for requesting! :3
:arrow: RexWreckz
May I ask what font you used for Rex's ava?
i'll be requesting soon :3
Request: Signature
Text (Optional): CatchTheBeat Player
Size: largest that fit in forum :)
Extra: ----
thanks again in advance :) :)
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

WhiteRiceBunny wrote:

May I ask what font you used for Rex's ava?
i'll be requesting soon :3
I used PWRoundedScript.
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Thanks for Requesting! :3
:arrow: tkomaster2

OMGPingu wrote:

Thanks for Requesting! :3
:arrow: tkomaster2

thank you so much :) :)
Request: Avatar
Text (Optional): Bunny
Size: 128x128
Transparent or Not: No
Boarder: Yes
Thank you!
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Thanks for requesting! :3
:arrow: WhiteRiceBunny
You did ask for what text I used for Rex's avatar, so I thought that maybe you wanted your avatar to have that text. c:

OMGPingu wrote:

Thanks for requesting! :3
:arrow: WhiteRiceBunny
You did ask for what text I used for Rex's avatar, so I thought that maybe you wanted your avatar to have that text. c:
Thank you so much!
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Bump (hue).
Request: Userpage/Signature
Text (Optional):Morphius07
Extra:surprise me please i give you a hint mamoswine is a ice pokes :D
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]
Thanks for requesting! :3
:arrow: Morphius07

OMGPingu wrote:

Before we even get started, let's explain how I got here to make stuff for you all. Lately I have been working on Photoshop and it's actually been going pretty well, so, I decided to open a shop just to see what you guys think and if you want to use the stuff I make or not if you request. I'd say my style is probably a little bit different to others, but, it's still pretty cool. ^w^


Please don't steal my art or claim as yours.
Don't request too often, allow a week before you request.
No low quality images.
Ask if you want your image transparent.
Do not re-edit my work at all!
Be paitent! <3


Request Formats! <3 (Standard signature size = 640x150, Standard userpage size = 623x193, Standard avatar size = 128x128)

NOTE ABOUT AVATARS!: With the boarders, I can only make boarders if the picture you want is non-transparent or doesn't want to be transparent.

Request: Avatar
Text (Optional):
Transparent or Not:

Request: Userpage/Signature
Text (Optional):

So...yeah enjoy and start requesting. <3

P.S Also, maybe possibly give me some tips! ;o
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

s960229 wrote:

OMGPingu wrote:

Before we even get started, let's explain how I got here to make stuff for you all. Lately I have been working on Photoshop and it's actually been going pretty well, so, I decided to open a shop just to see what you guys think and if you want to use the stuff I make or not if you request. I'd say my style is probably a little bit different to others, but, it's still pretty cool. ^w^


Please don't steal my art or claim as yours.
Don't request too often, allow a week before you request.
No low quality images.
Ask if you want your image transparent.
Do not re-edit my work at all!
Be paitent! <3


Request Formats! <3 (Standard signature size = 640x150, Standard userpage size = 623x193, Standard avatar size = 128x128)

NOTE ABOUT AVATARS!: With the boarders, I can only make boarders if the picture you want is non-transparent or doesn't want to be transparent.

Request: Avatar
Text (Optional):
Transparent or Not:

Request: Userpage/Signature
Text (Optional):

So...yeah enjoy and start requesting. <3

P.S Also, maybe possibly give me some tips! ;o
Um...what was the point in doing that? ._.
Seeing I want to try you out, I might start and request an avatar.

Avatar Request

✿Avatar Form✿

Image Link: [Puushed]
Text: Nothing.
Size: 128 by 128
Transparent or Not: Go transparent or not. It your choice. Do you best.
Boarder: Try making a good circular box border for me. If it doesn't look good, then just do what you think is right.
Topic Starter
[ Pingu ]

Sulker wrote:

Seeing I want to try you out, I might start and request an avatar.

Avatar Request

✿Avatar Form✿

Image Link: [Puushed]
Text: Nothing.
Size: 128 by 128
Transparent or Not: Go transparent or not. It your choice. Do you best.
Boarder: Try making a good circular box border for me. If it doesn't look good, then just do what you think is right.
So, you want a circular avatar, like, in a circle shape? Sorry, I didn't quite catch that. QWQ
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