
Nekono Comet - Shuumatsu no Sugoshikata yori

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on samedi 14 février 2015 at 19:46:50

Artist: Nekono Comet
Title: Shuumatsu no Sugoshikata yori
Source: ナルキッソス
Tags: Narcissu Rather Than a Life of Finality From The World is Coming to an W/end Stage nana Kometto 矢野雅士 Masashi Yano
BPM: 75
Filesize: 3708kb
Play Time: 03:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (1,83 stars, 272 notes)
  2. Normal (1,28 stars, 160 notes)
Download: Nekono Comet - Shuumatsu no Sugoshikata yori
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
"How many time did you came here ... to the 7th ?"
This BM is amazing o(≧∇≦o).

I'm bored =w=


00:02:570 (2,3) - Va blanket ca spèce de blanquette de veau
00:15:370 (3,1,2) - Un peu bizarre le flow ici
00:23:770 (1) - Met le ici x:424 y:124. Ca rend mieux ! Je sais que tu voulais stack avec 00:21:770 (2) -
00:41:370 (2) - Met le de quelques grids a gauche
00:52:570 (1) - Vu que tu NC a chaque stack , met en un :D
01:06:570 (2,3) - Attention nazi : Tu peux perfectionner ce blanket <3
01:50:170 (2) - NC
01:56:570 (2) - NC
02:29:770 (1) - Remove NC

00:09:370 (3,4) - J'sais pas si c'est consistent → un slider curv + un slider avec un red point
00:30:770 (2,3) - Blanket!
01:16:170 (2,3) - Maybe curv ?
01:17:770 (4,1,2) - Same as 00:09:370
01:24:570 (1,2) - aaah C/c D:
01:49:370 (1,2) - met les la : x:272 y:184
01:51:770 (4,5) - maybe stack ? inb4 no
03:26:170 - Met une note la !

Voili voilou !
Great mapset meme si j'ai envie de dormir now =w=
Good luck /O/
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:


I'm bored =w=


00:02:570 (2,3) - Va blanket ca spèce de blanquette de veau no ça va détruire le flow :c
00:15:370 (3,1,2) - Un peu bizarre le flow ici
00:23:770 (1) - Met le ici x:424 y:124. Ca rend mieux ! Je sais que tu voulais stack avec 00:21:770 (2) - je préfère garder le stack D:
00:41:370 (2) - Met le de quelques grids a gauche legerement move
00:52:570 (1) - Vu que tu NC a chaque stack , met en un :D Mais il est déjà NC owo
01:06:570 (2,3) - Attention nazi : Tu peux perfectionner ce blanket <3 le 3 est juste un C/P du 1, et ça se voit pas tant que ça, du coup no need
01:50:170 (2) - NC
01:56:570 (2) - NC
02:29:770 (1) - Remove NC fix'd les 3

00:09:370 (3,4) - J'sais pas si c'est consistent → un slider curv + un slider avec un red point la plupart en ont, du coup j'pense pas que ce soit si inconsistant que ça
00:30:770 (2,3) - Blanket! ça tue le flow D:
01:16:170 (2,3) - Maybe curv ? intentionnal no curve D:
01:17:770 (4,1,2) - Same as 00:09:370 pareil que plus haut
01:24:570 (1,2) - aaah C/c D: hm les seuls C/C sont des sliders C/C ctrl+shift+R
01:49:370 (1,2) - met les la : x:272 y:184 Fix'd
01:51:770 (4,5) - maybe stack ? inb4 no no D:
03:26:170 - Met une note la ! ça faira inconsistance avec la Normal

Voili voilou !
Great mapset meme si j'ai envie de dormir now =w=
Good luck /O/
merci \o/
Heyo Kin o/ Voila enfin mon mod ^^

- Hard :
  1. 01:05:370 (2,3,4)- Je suis sur que tu peux blanket ces 3 la correctement et pas seulement (3,4).
  2. 01:27:770 (1,2)- Blanket ?
  3. 01:43:770 (1,2)- Blanket à améliorer.
  4. 01:56:570 (2,3)- ^
  5. 02:20:170 (2,3)- Blanket ?
  6. 02:41:370 (2,3)- Blanket à améliorer.
  7. 02:44:570 (1,2)- ^
  8. 02:48:970 (3,4)- Je les verrais bien à x:40 / y:288 pour avoir un meilleur flow avec 02:47:770 (2)-.
  9. 02:50:970 (1,2)- Blanket ?
  10. 03:09:770 (5,1)- Je les verrais plus à x:356 / y:156
- Normal :
  1. 00:33:370 (3,1)- Blanket à améliorer.
  2. 00:42:970 (1,2)- ^
  3. 01:05:370 (1,2,3)- ^
  4. 01:42:170 (2,1)- DS différent ! J'imagine que tu l'as fait exprès, mais tu es censé le garder constant, à voir.
  5. 02:29:770 (2)- Place le à x:85 / y:229 pour avoir un DS x1.2 parfait.
  6. 02:38:170 (1,2)- Blanket à améliorer.
  7. 02:49:370 (3,1)- ^

Mon mod est un peu pauvre quand même mais je vois rien d'autre qui me choque. Très bon mapset o/
J'espère que ça t'aidera un minimum :)
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Heyo Kin o/ Voila enfin mon mod ^^

- Hard :
  1. 01:05:370 (2,3,4)- Je suis sur que tu peux blanket ces 3 la correctement et pas seulement (3,4). + ou - done
  2. 01:27:770 (1,2)- Blanket ? ^
  3. 01:43:770 (1,2)- Blanket à améliorer. ^
  4. 01:56:570 (2,3)- ^ ^
  5. 02:20:170 (2,3)- Blanket ? ^
  6. 02:41:370 (2,3)- Blanket à améliorer. ^
  7. 02:44:570 (1,2)- ^ ^
  8. 02:48:970 (3,4)- Je les verrais bien à x:40 / y:288 pour avoir un meilleur flow avec 02:47:770 (2)-. fix'd
  9. 02:50:970 (1,2)- Blanket ? + ou - done
  10. 03:09:770 (5,1)- Je les verrais plus à x:356 / y:156 Non perso j'aime pas le fait que les 2 sliders soient trop proche :/
- Normal :
  1. 00:33:370 (3,1)- Blanket à améliorer. le blanket est déjà bon D:
  2. 00:42:970 (1,2)- ^ Fix'd
  3. 01:05:370 (1,2,3)- ^ ^
  4. 01:42:170 (2,1)- DS différent ! J'imagine que tu l'as fait exprès, mais tu es censé le garder constant, à voir. Avec un break de 2/1 a 75bpm ; ça représente un break de 4/1 en 150 BPM ; ce qui est juste énorme, si je devais garder le même spacing, je devrais presque sortir de la grid
  5. 02:29:770 (2)- Place le à x:85 / y:229 pour avoir un DS x1.2 parfait. Fix'd
  6. 02:38:170 (1,2)- Blanket à améliorer. J'avais plutot pensé à la symétry plutot que le blanket D:
  7. 02:49:370 (3,1)- ^

Mon mod est un peu pauvre quand même mais je vois rien d'autre qui me choque. Très bon mapset o/ Merci \o
J'espère que ça t'aidera un minimum :)
merci pour le mod ! \o
Cherry Blossom
As requested.


  1. 00:15:770 (1,2) - le mouvement transmis me parait bizarre et pas naturel, le mieux serait que (2) ait une courbe comme ça par exemple ou quelque chose qui fait en sorte que le mouvement soit plus vers la gauche qu'en bas
  2. 01:12:970 (2,3) - ce pattern parrait inconfortable à jouer pour un easy player, à cause du flow que donne le curved slider (3) et du mouvement triangulaire qui est avant, ce mix ne semble donc pas approprié imo, pourquoi pas faire ça à la place ?
  3. 01:19:770 (2) - décale un peu en dessous pour un meilleur flow.
  4. 02:10:970 (2,1) - pour des raison d'esthétisme, j'aurais préféré que le red point sur 02:12:570 (1) - soit au milieu.
  5. 02:33:370 (5,1,1) - pour simplifier les choses, j'aurais préféré ne pas avoir de circle à jouer avant 02:34:170 (1,1) - parce que as stack les objets, ce que je veux te dire, c'est de faire en sorte que ce circle 02:33:370 (5) - n'existe pas, tu peux peu être faire ça à la place


  1. 00:08:970 - c'est la diff la + difficile du mapset donc essaies au moins de mapper un maximum de choses qu'on entend vraiment bien, la note ici n'est pas joué alors qu'elle devrait l'être car tu entends le piano.
  2. 00:33:370 (1,2) - (j'ai du en skip mais bon) pas vraiment une bonne idée d'utiliser 2 sliders différent pour le même son que tu entends, puis je l'ai pas dit mais bon... la transition entre un "U" et un "V" slider est étrange imo. D'autres cas encore dans la map.
  3. 00:49:370 (5,1) - POLARITY, dans la normal il n'y a pas de polarity issue ici, alors que dans la hard oui, si tu veux vraiment pas que 00:49:770 et 00:50:170 se fassent cliquer, utilise un reversed 1/2 slider ici 00:49:370, ça enlèvera la polarity issue tout en suivant la mélodie.
  4. 01:40:570 (5,1) - pareil ^ en encore d'autres cas.

(inb4 95% de refus me runs)
Good luck ~
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

As requested.


  1. 00:15:770 (1,2) - le mouvement transmis me parait bizarre et pas naturel, le mieux serait que (2) ait une courbe comme ça par exemple ou quelque chose qui fait en sorte que le mouvement soit plus vers la gauche qu'en bas j'ai pas vraiment fix exactement comme dans l'image, mais on va dire fix'd
  2. 01:12:970 (2,3) - ce pattern parrait inconfortable à jouer pour un easy player, à cause du flow que donne le curved slider (3) et du mouvement triangulaire qui est avant, ce mix ne semble donc pas approprié imo, pourquoi pas faire ça à la place ? mon but recherché à ce moment était un triange pour la melody aigu qui repart sur 2, et du coup j'en ai profité pour faire un blanket <_<
  3. 01:19:770 (2) - décale un peu en dessous pour un meilleur flow. fix'd
  4. 02:10:970 (2,1) - pour des raison d'esthétisme, j'aurais préféré que le red point sur 02:12:570 (1) - soit au milieu. à la base, ce red point était plutot pour la melody, mais well, fix'd
  5. 02:33:370 (5,1,1) - pour simplifier les choses, j'aurais préféré ne pas avoir de circle à jouer avant 02:34:170 (1,1) - parce que as stack les objets, ce que je veux te dire, c'est de faire en sorte que ce circle 02:33:370 (5) - n'existe pas, tu peux peu être faire ça à la place fix'd


  1. 00:08:970 - c'est la diff la + difficile du mapset donc essaies au moins de mapper un maximum de choses qu'on entend vraiment bien, la note ici n'est pas joué alors qu'elle devrait l'être car tu entends le piano. fix'd
  2. 00:33:370 (1,2) - (j'ai du en skip mais bon) pas vraiment une bonne idée d'utiliser 2 sliders différent pour le même son que tu entends, puis je l'ai pas dit mais bon... la transition entre un "U" et un "V" slider est étrange imo. D'autres cas encore dans la map.
  3. 00:49:370 (5,1) - POLARITY, dans la normal il n'y a pas de polarity issue ici, alors que dans la hard oui, si tu veux vraiment pas que 00:49:770 et 00:50:170 se fassent cliquer, utilise un reversed 1/2 slider ici 00:49:370, ça enlèvera la polarity issue tout en suivant la mélodie.
  4. 01:40:570 (5,1) - pareil ^ en encore d'autres cas. fix'd both

(inb4 95% de refus me runs)
Good luck ~
Merci CB jtm <3
Your Good Self
hello M4M here

[Both Diffs]
I would suggest tick rate 2.
You should map to 03:26:170 at least, it's a pity if it's not mapped. Just a single note there will do.

00:28:570 (2) - Move it down a bit, so it flows better.
00:49:370 (3) - ctrl+J, then move 00:50:970 (4) up
00:50:970 (4,1) - Can join these with a slider
01:08:570 (1) - Flow might not be good here. How about a blanket around 01:10:170 (2) ?
01:37:370 (1,2,3) - No hitsounds here? D:
01:49:370 (1,1) - Change to 1 repeating slider?
01:59:770 (2) - Blanket around 02:01:370 (3) instead.
02:06:170 (1) - add NC?
02:14:170 (2) - ctrl+J, it's the easiest diff in the mapset so flow should be made easier
02:23:770 (3) - ^
03:03:770 (1,2) - Maybe have a slightly different pattern

AR8 seems a bit high, should lower by at least 1.
00:50:970 (2,1) - Join with slider
01:04:970 - Add note
01:25:170 (2) - Maybe bend the slider the other way (to the left)
01:42:170 to 01:43:770 - You can have a spinner here
01:59:770 (1) - The bending is really slight, so you might want to make it more obvious. Also you might want to make the kink at the red tick 02:00:170 instead
02:17:370 (4) - Move up so it's more obvious that it's parallel to 02:16:370 (2) and adjust 02:18:570 (5) accordingly
02:31:770 (5) - Can make this into a 1/2 beat repeating slider

Love the music, though it can get a bit repetitive.
Each map has a 'clean' feel to it.
Good luck getting it ranked! :)
Nyark Tolegna
02:02:570 (1) - Ce circle est de trop

00:20:170 (1) - 00:42:570 (5) - 01:20:970 (6) - 02:02:570 (3) Pour moi ces circles ne devrais pas exister

Cette musique est beaucoup trop répétitive pour en faire une map de 6min, tu devrais raccourcir le mp3
Et je pense qu'il faut au moins un spinner pour t'es deux difficulté ^^

Sorry c'est un tout petit mod T^T
for M4M, you only have to mod a few diffs since your mapset is only two diffs ^^

Just really preference so you don't have to take the time to do so if you don't want to, but all non-Kiai sections lowered in volume by ~5%?

I think AR7 fits this really calm, slow mapping better.
  1. 00:10:570 (6) - how about adding a whistle here? since you did so at 00:23:370 (3) - . It parallels better
  2. 00:28:570 (4) - a wave slider would better resemble the song here rather than the Z-shaped one. Also i think if you place it where i placed it (around 128|320), it would lead more into the next circle+slider.
  3. 00:36:170 (1) - maybe if you move this so that 00:34:970 (4,1,2) - is in a directly horizontal line, would look better
  4. 00:49:370 (5,1) - add NC to (5) and remove from the following circle, to make the triangle movement in one pattern (and you did that 01:40:570 (1,2,3) - )
  5. 01:24:570 (1,2,3) - tbh this looks weird because of (2)... change to regular curved slider?
  6. lool got a nazi thing, 01:45:370 (3) - fix blanket, the tail should be moved up by 1
  7. 01:56:570 (2) - this blanket could also be fixed
  8. 03:24:570 (2) - i think, to really reflect how it feels held and not suddenly ended, you should make this circle into a 2/1 slider instead.

Really nice normal diff you got there *o*
  1. 01:50:170 (1) - I think this doesn't need NC, because the patterns feel too short otherwise
  2. 02:57:370 (1) - even though this is a nice slider, i have a feeling it might cause trouble in the future. but, just keep for now :p also, why don't you just stack the head where 02:55:370 (2) - is? and shift the following circle after
  3. 03:24:570 (2) - same as in hard

Topic Starter

Nyark Kidoune wrote:

02:02:570 (1) - Ce circle est de tropnormalement tu peux entendre un piano vennant de la main droite un peu + grave que les autres.[/color

00:20:170 (1) - 00:42:570 (5) - 01:20:970 (6) - 02:02:570 (3) Pour moi ces circles ne devrais pas exister [b]

Cette musique est beaucoup trop répétitive pour en faire une map de 6min, tu devrais raccourcir le mp3
Et je pense qu'il faut au moins un spinner pour t'es deux difficulté ^^

Sorry c'est un tout petit mod T^T

toybot wrote:

for M4M, you only have to mod a few diffs since your mapset is only two diffs ^^

Just really preference so you don't have to take the time to do so if you don't want to, but all non-Kiai sections lowered in volume by ~5%?

I think AR7 fits this really calm, slow mapping better.
  1. 00:10:570 (6) - how about adding a whistle here? since you did so at 00:23:370 (3) - . It parallels better I did, but the pitch isn't the same
  2. 00:28:570 (4) - a wave slider would better resemble the song here rather than the Z-shaped one. Also i think if you place it where i placed it (around 128|320), it would lead more into the next circle+slider. fixed
  3. 00:36:170 (1) - maybe if you move this so that 00:34:970 (4,1,2) - is in a directly horizontal line, would look better it's already a straight line, I won't try horizontal
  4. 00:49:370 (5,1) - add NC to (5) and remove from the following circle, to make the triangle movement in one pattern (and you did that 01:40:570 (1,2,3) - ) fixed
  5. 01:24:570 (1,2,3) - tbh this looks weird because of (2)... change to regular curved slider? I like how is it
  6. lool got a nazi thing, 01:45:370 (3) - fix blanket, the tail should be moved up by 1 I think the blanket is already ok, but well
  7. 01:56:570 (2) - this blanket could also be fixed mb fixed
  8. 03:24:570 (2) - i think, to really reflect how it feels held and not suddenly ended, you should make this circle into a 2/1 slider instead. fixed with my slider style

Really nice normal diff you got there *o*
  1. 01:50:170 (1) - I think this doesn't need NC, because the patterns feel too short otherwise fixed
  2. 02:57:370 (1) - even though this is a nice slider, i have a feeling it might cause trouble in the future. but, just keep for now :p also, why don't you just stack the head where 02:55:370 (2) - is? and shift the following circle after stacked
  3. 03:24:570 (2) - same as in hard

thanks ! \o
Hue alé!


Je t'aurais bien dit de cut un peu la fin en réduisant le son continuellement car la tu laisse un gros vide de fin qui sert a rien. :<


00:17:370 : Visuellement, le pattern est pas sexy, surtout avec le prochain slider. La seule chose que je pourrais te conseiller est de rendre les deux sliders parallèles, même si j'ai consience que t'as fait beaucoup de copier / coller sur tes objets, cette zone est pas bo. :<
00:26:170 : Vu que t'as mis des whistle sur ces circles avant, bah ici aussi donc.
00:31:770 : Bon ok y'a du parallèle avec le prochain slider, mais un ctrl-j ameliora le flow des deux cotés.
00:53:770 : Try { Object.add(Whistle); } Catch (const std::exception &err) { std::cout << err.what() << std::endl; }
01:02:170 : Imo tu devrais l'upper un peu hitstoire d'avoir un meilleur flow avec le précédent slider. Also blanket avec le prochain cercle mais gros osef la-dessus.
01:22:970 : Fail sur le stack.
01:37:370 : Si t'avais pas compris 00:53:770 c'étais juste pour ajouter un whistle sur le cercle, bah ici c'est pareil pour le slider au début.
01:38:970 : ^
02:29:770 : Tant qu'a faire ton pattern est symétrique, alors autant mettre ce circle à 84;232 et stacker le prochain slider sur 136;296
02:40:570 : Blanket huahuahuehuehuahue
03:03:770 : Visuellement, le pattern avec le slider suivant est dégeulasse. Aussi dégeu que kurai.
03:24:570 : Positionne-le plus à 292;168, le flow sera un peu mieux. Ou alors à 284;176, c'est pas mal visuellement.


00:02:970 : Vu avec kin, ok.
00:25:770 : ok osef blanket, mais je sais que le positionnement peut-etre plus élégant (comme ce que t'as fait à 00:37:770).
00:50:570 : Meme si après le DS pue, un ctrl-g ici rendre le flow meilleur.
01:00:170 : L'anti flow ici est normal? Parce que j'aurais mieux vu le précédent slider avec un ctrl-j.
01:40:170 : Whistle? En fait si tu le fais ic i, ca sera la meme pour tout le reste avec les patterns similaire donc la réponse risque d'être non.
02:08:170 : Idem a 00:25:770, les jwas du copier / coller. :D

Ouais bon après rajoute 1 min 30 sur le ce que t'as fix ou pas, vu que c'est du copier / coller, je sais a quoi m'attendre.

Gl hf pour le rank, je me fais pas de soucis la-dessus.

(Saving the mod...)
Topic Starter

Aldwych wrote:

Hue alé!


Je t'aurais bien dit de cut un peu la fin en réduisant le son continuellement car la tu laisse un gros vide de fin qui sert a rien. :<


00:17:370 : Visuellement, le pattern est pas sexy, surtout avec le prochain slider. La seule chose que je pourrais te conseiller est de rendre les deux sliders parallèles, même si j'ai consience que t'as fait beaucoup de copier / coller sur tes objets, cette zone est pas bo. :< meh, je préfère le flow plutot que l’esthétique D:
00:26:170 : Vu que t'as mis des whistle sur ces circles avant, bah ici aussi donc. nan, un whistle içi suivrait pas la logique des whistles que j'ai fais qui sont sur la main droite du piano
00:31:770 : Bon ok y'a du parallèle avec le prochain slider, mais un ctrl-j ameliora le flow des deux cotés. je comprends l'idée, mais c'est pas dans mon intention
00:53:770 : Try { Object.add(Whistle); } Catch (const std::exception &err) { std::cout << err.what() << std::endl; } pareil que l'autre whistle
01:02:170 : Imo tu devrais l'upper un peu hitstoire d'avoir un meilleur flow avec le précédent slider. Also blanket avec le prochain cercle mais gros osef la-dessus. j'ai déjà vérifié en utilisant un slider + long içi 01:00:570 (2) - ; et le 01:02:170 (1) - est déjà parfaitement en ligne droite avec celui la 01:00:570 (2) -
01:22:970 : Fail sur le stack. ye, fixed
01:37:370 : Si t'avais pas compris 00:53:770 c'étais juste pour ajouter un whistle sur le cercle, bah ici c'est pareil pour le slider au début.
01:38:970 : ^ fixed, + remis un peu de l'ordre dans les whistles sur cette partie
02:29:770 : Tant qu'a faire ton pattern est symétrique, alors autant mettre ce circle à 84;232 et stacker le prochain slider sur 136;296 pas vraiment fix, mais changé dans l'idée
02:40:570 : Blanket huahuahuehuehuahue *crache un sandwych*
03:03:770 : Visuellement, le pattern avec le slider suivant est dégeulasse. Aussi dégeu que kurai. huehuehuehue, changed
03:24:570 : Positionne-le plus à 292;168, le flow sera un peu mieux. Ou alors à 284;176, c'est pas mal visuellement. les positions ont changé entre temps


00:02:970 : Vu avec kin, ok. ok
00:25:770 : ok osef blanket, mais je sais que le positionnement peut-etre plus élégant (comme ce que t'as fait à 00:37:770). le positionnement est le même, c'est juste le shape qui est legerement différent.
00:50:570 : Meme si après le DS pue, un ctrl-g ici rendre le flow meilleur. hm, je préfère laissé tel quel
01:00:170 : L'anti flow ici est normal? Parce que j'aurais mieux vu le précédent slider avec un ctrl-j. si tu parle du stack oui, aussi, le ctrl+j je trouve ça caca D:
01:40:170 : Whistle? En fait si tu le fais ic i, ca sera la meme pour tout le reste avec les patterns similaire donc la réponse risque d'être non. étant donné que la note d'après est + forte, je préfère laissé celle la normal, pour whistle après. ça permet de faire une différence entre les 2 notes.
02:08:170 : Idem a 00:25:770, les jwas du copier / coller. :D same D:

Ouais bon après rajoute 1 min 30 sur le ce que t'as fix ou pas, vu que c'est du copier / coller, je sais a quoi m'attendre.

Gl hf pour le rank, je me fais pas de soucis la-dessus.

(Saving the mod...)

thanks pour le mod sandwych \o/

Mod as requested

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. Artist is supposed to be 猫野こめっと, as it is his name in original language. Romanised name is Nekono Comet. It reads 'kometto' in Japanese, but actually, he lists him as 'Comet' on his website, twitter and so on and also, it was meant to be a foreign word, but it is just written in Japanese, it is like romanisation of katakana, but here, he used hiragana for foreign word, so yeah, to be fair to artist it should be Comet and as it is meant to be taken word from English, then it also should be Comet.
  2. The song title is also wrong. It is supposed to be 終末の過ごし方より as it is called like this in the original game, its romanised title is Shuumatsu no Sugoshi Kata Yori. This English name should not be used, because it is unofficial title. Let's take Steam version as an example, it is not 100% official, but still, it should be the most reliable source when we talk about translation - Because this one was actually allowed by the original developer, thus we can say he agreed on this form of translation and thus the only translated form we might consider to use in tags, just for searching, is From The World is Coming to an W/end as listed in the game, you can check it on screenshot below.
  3. You should use ナルキッソス as a source, because that is official name of the game. You might say the logo contains 'narcissu', that's truth, but actually, most of their website lists it as ナルキッソス, then narcissu belongs to the tags. In the other case, if you do not want to put it as a source, put it at least into tags and then change source to narcissu, not Narcissu, the name is supposed to be lowercase - You can easily check that on the game logo.
  4. Do not forget to add Stage nana to tags, as it is the game developer and also add 矢野雅士 and its romanised version Yano Masashi as it is a song composer.
  5. The light gray color is sometimes messed up with background on the left - I mean, the background is mix of white, pink, yellow and gray on the left side, thus it blends with the background. You should use a bit darker gray and it should be fine. Also you should add a new color, what would be a violet color similar to the ribbon on her head. Actually, this color is more significant than a pink one in this background, but you used that pink color, but that's just my opinion.
All those metadata things can be checked with the original game. This is actually a version from their official website, so I think its reliability is obvious.


  1. You should definitely use HP 5, AR 6, OD 5. The song's BPM is quite a lot under 100, the map itself is really calm, thus the settings shouldn't be so aggressive. The AR is quite easy to recognize, you can feel it is currently going faster than the music and that's not really appropriate.
  2. 00:15:770 (4,5) - This pattern is okay, but in my opinion, you should make it more smooth as you did in other parts. Currently I am talking about the angle, if these sliders are in equal angle like 00:33:970 (2,4) it looks a bit more perfect. You can try to make it like screenshot below, but it is just a minority.
  3. 00:20:170 (1,2) - You should put the NC on 2 and remove it from 1, because you actually used the NCs on notes with higher pitch or with an attack before, but here it is just almost inaudible sound with lower pitch than all the previous notes, while 2 is typically a high pitch note with attack.
  4. 00:09:970 (5) - Actually this one is quite out of the rhythm as there is not a single note on 00:10:370 in music. You should definitely remove 00:10:570 (6) and make the slider end on 00:10:570. Remember you actually do not have to make song harder than the music says. The point is, creativity is sure important thing, but that counts about patterns, not about the notes. Putting own stuff to song is not creative, that's just ignoring the song itself, follow the song as much as you can, even through it will sometimes decrease the difficulty, but the quality is more important.
  5. 00:22:770 (2) - This is actually the same problem as previous, there is no sound on 00:23:170, but you mapped the slider as it was there. Again, you should delete the note after it and make this slider 1/4 longer.
  6. 00:27:570 (2) - Same as above, no sound at 00:27:970, remove the note after it and make it 1/4 longer.
  7. 00:33:970 (2) - The same problem as above and the same solution.
  8. 00:40:370 (2) - Just as above.
  9. 00:36:170 (1,2) - I recommend swapping the NC on these, because 00:36:170 (1) - feels like it has melodic connection with 00:35:770. On 00:36:570, the bell in background starts again, so if you swap it, the combo will have at least some sense with music.
  10. 00:48:370 (3) - This is basically the same rhythm problem as the above ones, there's no sound on 00:48:770, thus you should remove the next note and extend the slider. Also, there's one more way to fix these. There is sound between these sliders, on 00:48:570 for example (but not on the end), so you can put note on the start and slider on 00:48:570, if you would feel these parts with longer slider would seem too repetitive, this way you can bring some variety to the map, it can be applied to all parts I mentioned above, so combining it does not have to be the worst idea, but you can obviously follow just that bell in foreground.
  11. 00:54:770 (4) - The same rhythm issue as those above.
  12. 00:46:170 (4,1) - Swap the new combo as there is totally no new part starting, there is no special sound on 00:47:370 (1) and it feels more bound to 00:46:170 (4), where you can notice there is a downbeat and also the part repeating
  13. 00:54:770 (4) - The same issue as above rhythm issues, remove the note and make the slider longer or use the second way I mentioned on 00:48:370 (3)
  14. 01:07:570 (5) - - Same as above
  15. 01:18:770 (2) - Same as above
  16. 01:21:970 (2) - Same as above
  17. 01:25:170 (2) - Same as above
  18. 01:31:570 (2) - Same as above
  19. 01:39:570 (3) - Same as above
  20. 01:45:970 (4) - Same as above
  21. 01:52:370 (5) - Same as above
  22. 01:58:770 (5) - Same as above
  23. 02:05:170 (4) - Same as above
  24. 02:09:970 (2) - Same as above
  25. 02:13:170 (2) - Same as above
  26. 02:16:370 (2) - Same as above
  27. 02:22:770 (2) - Same as above
  28. 02:25:370 (6,1) - Swap the NC, because 02:26:970 is part of the previous slider and then swap 02:28:570 (3,1) as it is exactly the same thing.
  29. 02:30:770 (3) - Rhythm issue as I mentioned many times already.
  30. 02:37:170 (4) - Same as above
  31. 02:43:570 (5) - Same as above
  32. 02:49:970 (5) - Same as above
  33. 02:56:370 (4) - Same as above
  34. 03:01:170 (2) - Same as above
  35. 03:04:370 (2) - Same as above
  36. 03:07:570 (2) - Same as above
  37. 03:13:970 (2) - Same as above
  38. 03:17:170 (2) - Same as above
  39. 03:21:970 (4) - Same as above
Pretty solid diff, the only problem were just few minor new combos, but mainly the rhythm stuff, you mapped non-existing notes in most parts - I mentioned them all so you do not overlook any and you can have a better time fixing them if you decided to. I pretty much recommend it, because that's probably the only thing which is not appropriate in this map or any other map. It might feel fun to play, but for a different song, let's keep the map equal to the song and this map will be a masterpiece.


  • You should use HP 3, AR 4, OD 3. The reason is the same as hard. But for a better understanding. This is 2-diff map with one normal and one hard. This means a totally newbie players are not much welcomed with it, because it does not have an easy diff, so the diffs should have a bit lower settings and the difficulty itself, so is is something more like 'between easy and normal', thus the map will be appropriate for everyone, who's playing like first day.
  1. 00:01:370 (1) - Not that much of an issue, but you might be consistent with Hard and remove NC from this slider, actually I do not see a reason why each diff has this different, but as I said, it is not an issue, just my personal mention.
  2. 00:15:770 (1) - Remove the NC as it makes only one slider of this color, which covers just 1/1 place in a map, what's really short for a combo, and additionally, because it does not make much sense with music.
  3. 00:50:170 - It's just my personal feeling, but to emphasize the bells on these sliderticks, you might increase its volume a bit through the whole map, just like 40% or so, or maybe you could use custom hitsound. But as I said, it is not an issue, just a little advice to make it sound a bit better.
  4. 01:37:370 (1,2,3) - Because you used hitsound quite frequently and you hitsounded this part on Hard diff too, it is poor to keep it not hitsounded just in this diff and just this part, so you should add whistles on 01:37:370 and 01:38:970, and also 01:39:570.
  5. 01:40:570 (1) - Add a whistle on the start, it is basically the same problem as above. You can compare this part to 03:19:770 (1,2,3,1). It is exactly the equal music part, but you hitsounded these different, such inconsistency is really not sensible.
  6. 01:56:570 (1) - Remove NC for the same reason as 00:15:770 (1), it does not fit the song and 1 combo is too short for such a short period of time.
  7. 02:06:170 (4) - Add a whistle on start of this slider, because you did so on exactly the same part 00:49:370 (3).
  8. 02:10:970 (2) - Same as above, you are being inconsistent with 00:28:570 (2).
  9. 02:17:370 (2) - Same as above, inconsistent with 00:34:970 (1).
  10. 02:23:770 (3) - Same as above, inconsistent with 00:41:370 (2).
  11. 02:57:370 (1) - Same as above, inconsistent with 01:14:970 (1).
  12. 03:02:170 (2) - Same as above, inconsistent with 01:19:770 (2).
  13. 03:13:370 (1) - Same as above, inconsistent with 01:30:970 (1).
  14. 03:14:970 (2) - End of the slider is inconsistent with 01:32:570 (2).
To be honest only problem of this diff were inconsistencies. If the song repeats, try to be consistent when it comes to hitsounding and new combos. Patterns can obviously differ, but you should follow the similar rhythm and hitsound the same, so it makes more sense with the song.

Conclusion: Rankable

So, after all, I pretty much can say this map was quite mild and has only several issues. As I said above, in hard, it was following the rhythm, which was not in the song if you listen correctly. About easy, it was just inconsistency in hitsounds. I obviously mentioned all I noticed, but I recommend doublechecking it for these issues. On the other side, I can pretty much say it will be worth a rank soon, map really fitted to the song and I enjoyed it very much. After rhythm issue on hard is changed and the hitsounding stuff is resolved, I am going to star the map and I hope we can move this forward.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Mod as requested

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. Artist is supposed to be 猫野こめっと, as it is his name in original language. Romanised name is Nekono Comet. It reads 'kometto' in Japanese, but actually, he lists him as 'Comet' on his website, twitter and so on and also, it was meant to be a foreign word, but it is just written in Japanese, it is like romanisation of katakana, but here, he used hiragana for foreign word, so yeah, to be fair to artist it should be Comet and as it is meant to be taken word from English, then it also should be Comet.
  2. The song title is also wrong. It is supposed to be 終末の過ごし方より as it is called like this in the original game, its romanised title is Shuumatsu no Sugoshi Kata Yori. This English name should not be used, because it is unofficial title. Let's take Steam version as an example, it is not 100% official, but still, it should be the most reliable source when we talk about translation - Because this one was actually allowed by the original developer, thus we can say he agreed on this form of translation and thus the only translated form we might consider to use in tags, just for searching, is From The World is Coming to an W/end as listed in the game, you can check it on screenshot below.
  3. You should use ナルキッソス as a source, because that is official name of the game. You might say the logo contains 'narcissu', that's truth, but actually, most of their website lists it as ナルキッソス, then narcissu belongs to the tags. In the other case, if you do not want to put it as a source, put it at least into tags and then change source to narcissu, not Narcissu, the name is supposed to be lowercase - You can easily check that on the game logo.
  4. Do not forget to add Stage nana to tags, as it is the game developer and also add 矢野雅士 and its romanised version Yano Masashi as it is a song composer.
  5. The light gray color is sometimes messed up with background on the left - I mean, the background is mix of white, pink, yellow and gray on the left side, thus it blends with the background. You should use a bit darker gray and it should be fine. Also you should add a new color, what would be a violet color similar to the ribbon on her head. Actually, this color is more significant than a pink one in this background, but you used that pink color, but that's just my opinion.
All those metadata things can be checked with the original game. This is actually a version from their official website, so I think its reliability is obvious.all metadata fixed


  1. You should definitely use HP 5, AR 6, OD 5. The song's BPM is quite a lot under 100, the map itself is really calm, thus the settings shouldn't be so aggressive. The AR is quite easy to recognize, you can feel it is currently going faster than the music and that's not really appropriate. fixed
  2. 00:15:770 (4,5) - This pattern is okay, but in my opinion, you should make it more smooth as you did in other parts. Currently I am talking about the angle, if these sliders are in equal angle like 00:33:970 (2,4) it looks a bit more perfect. You can try to make it like screenshot below, but it is just a minority. I prefer to keep the symmetrical one
  3. 00:20:170 (1,2) - You should put the NC on 2 and remove it from 1, because you actually used the NCs on notes with higher pitch or with an attack before, but here it is just almost inaudible sound with lower pitch than all the previous notes, while 2 is typically a high pitch note with attack. fixed
  4. 00:09:970 (5) - Actually this one is quite out of the rhythm as there is not a single note on 00:10:370 in music. You should definitely remove 00:10:570 (6) and make the slider end on 00:10:570. Remember you actually do not have to make song harder than the music says. The point is, creativity is sure important thing, but that counts about patterns, not about the notes. Putting own stuff to song is not creative, that's just ignoring the song itself, follow the song as much as you can, even through it will sometimes decrease the difficulty, but the quality is more important. I know what you mean, but the thing is, if I make it finish on the red tick, you don't click on the red tick. I think it's more important to click on this important piano sound
  5. 00:22:770 (2) - This is actually the same problem as previous, there is no sound on 00:23:170, but you mapped the slider as it was there. Again, you should delete the note after it and make this slider 1/4 longer. same ^
  6. 00:27:570 (2) - Same as above, no sound at 00:27:970, remove the note after it and make it 1/4 longer. ^
  7. 00:33:970 (2) - The same problem as above and the same solution. ^
  8. 00:40:370 (2) - Just as above. ^
  9. 00:36:170 (1,2) - I recommend swapping the NC on these, because 00:36:170 (1) - feels like it has melodic connection with 00:35:770. On 00:36:570, the bell in background starts again, so if you swap it, the combo will have at least some sense with music. fixed
  10. 00:48:370 (3) - This is basically the same rhythm problem as the above ones, there's no sound on 00:48:770, thus you should remove the next note and extend the slider. Also, there's one more way to fix these. There is sound between these sliders, on 00:48:570 for example (but not on the end), so you can put note on the start and slider on 00:48:570, if you would feel these parts with longer slider would seem too repetitive, this way you can bring some variety to the map, it can be applied to all parts I mentioned above, so combining it does not have to be the worst idea, but you can obviously follow just that bell in foreground. Same thing as the other one. Also I'm mapping the right hand on the piano.
  11. 00:54:770 (4) - The same rhythm issue as those above. ^
  12. 00:46:170 (4,1) - Swap the new combo as there is totally no new part starting, there is no special sound on 00:47:370 (1) and it feels more bound to 00:46:170 (4), where you can notice there is a downbeat and also the part repeating fixed
  13. 00:54:770 (4) - The same issue as above rhythm issues, remove the note and make the slider longer or use the second way I mentioned on 00:48:370 (3) same as the others
  14. 01:07:570 (5) - - Same as above ^
  15. 01:18:770 (2) - Same as above ^
  16. 01:21:970 (2) - Same as above ^
  17. 01:25:170 (2) - Same as above ^
  18. 01:31:570 (2) - Same as above ^
  19. 01:39:570 (3) - Same as above ^
  20. 01:45:970 (4) - Same as above ^
  21. 01:52:370 (5) - Same as above ^
  22. 01:58:770 (5) - Same as above ^
  23. 02:05:170 (4) - Same as above ^
  24. 02:09:970 (2) - Same as above ^
  25. 02:13:170 (2) - Same as above ^
  26. 02:16:370 (2) - Same as above ^
  27. 02:22:770 (2) - Same as above ^
  28. 02:25:370 (6,1) - Swap the NC, because 02:26:970 is part of the previous slider and then swap 02:28:570 (3,1) as it is exactly the same thing. fixed
  29. 02:30:770 (3) - Rhythm issue as I mentioned many times already. same as the others
  30. 02:37:170 (4) - Same as above ^
  31. 02:43:570 (5) - Same as above ^
  32. 02:49:970 (5) - Same as above ^
  33. 02:56:370 (4) - Same as above ^
  34. 03:01:170 (2) - Same as above ^
  35. 03:04:370 (2) - Same as above ^
  36. 03:07:570 (2) - Same as above ^
  37. 03:13:970 (2) - Same as above ^
  38. 03:17:170 (2) - Same as above ^
  39. 03:21:970 (4) - Same as above ^
Pretty solid diff, the only problem were just few minor new combos, but mainly the rhythm stuff, you mapped non-existing notes in most parts - I mentioned them all so you do not overlook any and you can have a better time fixing them if you decided to. I pretty much recommend it, because that's probably the only thing which is not appropriate in this map or any other map. It might feel fun to play, but for a different song, let's keep the map equal to the song and this map will be a masterpiece.


  • You should use HP 3, AR 4, OD 3. The reason is the same as hard. But for a better understanding. This is 2-diff map with one normal and one hard. This means a totally newbie players are not much welcomed with it, because it does not have an easy diff, so the diffs should have a bit lower settings and the difficulty itself, so is is something more like 'between easy and normal', thus the map will be appropriate for everyone, who's playing like first day. fixed
  1. 00:01:370 (1) - Not that much of an issue, but you might be consistent with Hard and remove NC from this slider, actually I do not see a reason why each diff has this different, but as I said, it is not an issue, just my personal mention. fixed
  2. 00:15:770 (1) - Remove the NC as it makes only one slider of this color, which covers just 1/1 place in a map, what's really short for a combo, and additionally, because it does not make much sense with music. fixed
  3. 00:50:170 - It's just my personal feeling, but to emphasize the bells on these sliderticks, you might increase its volume a bit through the whole map, just like 40% or so, or maybe you could use custom hitsound. But as I said, it is not an issue, just a little advice to make it sound a bit better. fixed
  4. 01:37:370 (1,2,3) - Because you used hitsound quite frequently and you hitsounded this part on Hard diff too, it is poor to keep it not hitsounded just in this diff and just this part, so you should add whistles on 01:37:370 and 01:38:970, and also 01:39:570. Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  5. 01:40:570 (1) - Add a whistle on the start, it is basically the same problem as above. You can compare this part to 03:19:770 (1,2,3,1). It is exactly the equal music part, but you hitsounded these different, such inconsistency is really not sensible. Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  6. 01:56:570 (1) - Remove NC for the same reason as 00:15:770 (1), it does not fit the song and 1 combo is too short for such a short period of time. Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  7. 02:06:170 (4) - Add a whistle on start of this slider, because you did so on exactly the same part 00:49:370 (3). fixed
  8. 02:10:970 (2) - Same as above, you are being inconsistent with 00:28:570 (2). fixed
  9. 02:17:370 (2) - Same as above, inconsistent with 00:34:970 (1). Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  10. 02:23:770 (3) - Same as above, inconsistent with 00:41:370 (2). Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  11. 02:57:370 (1) - Same as above, inconsistent with 01:14:970 (1). Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  12. 03:02:170 (2) - Same as above, inconsistent with 01:19:770 (2). Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  13. 03:13:370 (1) - Same as above, inconsistent with 01:30:970 (1). Fixed earlier, but cannot update it
  14. 03:14:970 (2) - End of the slider is inconsistent with 01:32:570 (2). fixed
To be honest only problem of this diff were inconsistencies. If the song repeats, try to be consistent when it comes to hitsounding and new combos. Patterns can obviously differ, but you should follow the similar rhythm and hitsound the same, so it makes more sense with the song.

Conclusion: Rankable

So, after all, I pretty much can say this map was quite mild and has only several issues. As I said above, in hard, it was following the rhythm, which was not in the song if you listen correctly. About easy, it was just inconsistency in hitsounds. I obviously mentioned all I noticed, but I recommend doublechecking it for these issues. On the other side, I can pretty much say it will be worth a rank soon, map really fitted to the song and I enjoyed it very much. After rhythm issue on hard is changed and the hitsounding stuff is resolved, I am going to star the map and I hope we can move this forward.
thanks for mod \o/
I know what you mean, but the thing is, if I make it finish on the red tick, you don't click on the red tick. I think it's more important to click on this important piano sound

I already said two ways to fix it and I can think of two more. That was actually the only thing I wanted to be fixed and the reasoning for mapping something what is totally not in music was 'clicking red tick is important' What I want to say is, catch me ingame if you want me to tell you more ways to fix it.

Otherwise, please forget I ever said something, it was not meant to offend.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

I already said two ways to fix it and I can think of two more.
The way you said how to fix it : is to make it end on the red tick, which don't make it clickable.

Wafu wrote:

That was actually the only thing I wanted to be fixed and the reasoning for mapping something what is totally not in music was 'clicking red tick is important'
The thing is, there is the important piano sound (from the right hand) on the red tick. I don't see any reason to not make it clickable.

Kin wrote:

The way you said how to fix it : is to make it end on the red tick, which don't make it clickable.
I know I suggested this way for first, but that does not deny you to have more good ideas with clicking.

Kin wrote:

The thing is, there is the important piano sound (from the right hand) on the red tick. I don't see any reason to not make it clickable.
I did not say you cannot make it clickable, reversed, I agree with that, but that's not reason to not fix it sensibly, like or The point is, yes, it is a good idea to make significant notes clickable, but not a reason to keep the non-existing note mapped. I do not know how else can I explain. It's a rhythm game, not something like... I do not know how to call it, clicking circles like mad and listening to some music.

Anyway, have a star even through I probably cannot change your mind, I just wanted this great song to get a rid of overmapping, when not needed. Good luck :)
  1. Réduit le son de HS à 25% je trouve que ça casse un peu les oreilles à 30% xD
  2. Pas moyen de trouver le BG en 16:9 ? :O (mh, en fait si je me rapelle bien le BG vient du CG du jeu et comme tout VN il est codé en vieux 4:3 xD au pire c'pas très grave mais le 16:9 est quand même toujours préférable)
  1. 00:31:770 (2) - Je verrais plutôt le whistle sur la fin du slider, vu que au début le ton d la musique descend mais il remonte un peu la fin.
  2. 00:38:970 (2) - Whistle?
  3. 01:17:370 (2) - Whistle
  4. 01:22:970 (2) - Whistle sur la fin? vu que le ton remonte un peu.
  5. 01:35:770 (2) - Pareil que pour 00:31:770 (2). aka enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin.
  6. 01:44:970 (2) - Whistle
  7. 02:08:570 (5) - Whistle
  8. 02:14:170 (2) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  9. 02:23:770 (3) - Whistle au début?
  10. 03:05:370 (2) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  11. 03:12:570 (2) - whistle
  1. 00:31:770 (3) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  2. 00:37:770 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin
  3. 01:22:970 (4) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  4. 01:28:970 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin
  5. 02:14:170 (4) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  6. 02:20:170 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin
  7. 03:05:370 (4) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  8. 03:11:370 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin
If there is no source that says there is the preferred romanized title of this song, it should be romanized into Shuumatsu no Sugoshikata yori

  1. 過ごし方 / Sugoshikata
    >It's strange to split up 過ごし方 (Sugoshikata) because it's a combined noun made of 過ごす (sugosu / spend e.g.) and 仕方 (shikata /ways, how to~).
  2. より / yori
    >There is no need to capitalize the head letter of this because it's one of particles.

why gorilla...why...
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

  1. Réduit le son de HS à 25% je trouve que ça casse un peu les oreilles à 30% xD
  2. Pas moyen de trouver le BG en 16:9 ? :O (mh, en fait si je me rapelle bien le BG vient du CG du jeu et comme tout VN il est codé en vieux 4:3 xD au pire c'pas très grave mais le 16:9 est quand même toujours préférable)
  1. 00:31:770 (2) - Je verrais plutôt le whistle sur la fin du slider, vu que au début le ton d la musique descend mais il remonte un peu la fin. étant donné que je map surtout la main droite, je préfère le laisser tel qu'il est
  2. 00:38:970 (2) - Whistle? fixed
  3. 01:17:370 (2) - Whistle ^
  4. 01:22:970 (2) - Whistle sur la fin? vu que le ton remonte un peu. ^
  5. 01:35:770 (2) - Pareil que pour 00:31:770 (2). aka enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin. pareil
  6. 01:44:970 (2) - Whistle pareil
  7. 02:08:570 (5) - Whistle fixed
  8. 02:14:170 (2) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin pareil
  9. 02:23:770 (3) - Whistle au début? fixed
  10. 03:05:370 (2) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin pareil
  11. 03:12:570 (2) - whistle fixed
  1. 00:31:770 (3) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin même raison que la normal
  2. 00:37:770 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin vu que je suis principalement la main droite au whistle ouais, fixed
  3. 01:22:970 (4) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  4. 01:28:970 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin
  5. 02:14:170 (4) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  6. 02:20:170 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin
  7. 03:05:370 (4) - Enlève le whistle du début et mets en un à la fin
  8. 03:11:370 (2) - Perso je trouve que ça fait mieux sans le whistle à la fin

    j'ai fix et deny les c/c pour les meme raison que les 2ere suggest de la hard
Finalement après avoir remis de l'ordre dans mes hits sounds, plusieurs chose qui ont été fixed sur la normal ont finalement re était enlevé pour + de logique.
Merci jtm Kurai bb

KSHR wrote:

If there is no source that says there is the preferred romanized title of this song, it should be romanized into Shuumatsu no Sugoshikata yori

  1. 過ごし方 / Sugoshikata
    >It's strange to split up 過ごし方 (Sugoshikata) because it's a combined noun made of 過ごす (sugosu / spend e.g.) and 仕方 (shikata /ways, how to~).
  2. より / yori
    >There is no need to capitalize the head letter of this because it's one of particles.

why gorilla...why...
fixed romanized artist.
Also Gorilla is life.
Cherry Blossom
As requested.


  1. 00:17:370 (1) - Remove this NC to keep the same measure.
  2. 00:23:770 (1) - ^
  3. 00:30:170 (1) - ^
  4. 00:33:370 (5) - add and remove this NC 00:34:970 (1) -
  5. 00:36:570 (1) - remove
  6. 00:42:970 (1) - ^
  7. 00:47:370 (1) - ^
  8. 02:12:570 (3) - ^
  9. 02:25:370 (1) - ^

    Pls stop random NC baka Kin ;w;


  1. 00:15:770 (4,5) - you used a different spacing for 00:22:770 (2,3) - , make them consistent, the difference is clearly noticeable and that's confusing.

Call me back.
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

As requested.


  1. 00:17:370 (1) - Remove this NC to keep the same measure.
  2. 00:23:770 (1) - ^
  3. 00:30:170 (1) - ^
  4. 00:33:370 (5) - add and remove this NC 00:34:970 (1) -
  5. 00:36:570 (1) - remove
  6. 00:42:970 (1) - ^
  7. 00:47:370 (1) - ^
  8. 02:12:570 (3) - ^
  9. 02:25:370 (1) - ^

    Pls stop random NC baka Kin ;w;


  1. 00:15:770 (4,5) - you used a different spacing for 00:22:770 (2,3) - , make them consistent, the difference is clearly noticeable and that's confusing.

Call me back.
IDK how to NC :(
well, everything fixed
Cherry Blossom
Everything looks fine.
Topic Starter
wow, thanks \o
Topic Starter
popped bubble after Secretpipe's IRC mod.


post for kd I guess

(will edit cuz too lazy to savelog )
This beatmap is so relaxing~
Topic Starter
wow, thanks !
Hey hey chui une fan ôwô!!!

Félicitation ôwô
grazt kinkatdon!
Topic Starter
finally ranked ! thanks !
Neil Watts
Relaxant, agréable à jouer, poussver :D

Where is this song from?
Saddest melody in my life :cry:
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