
I wanna see something regarding me and the people here

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I've closed down the form. Thank you for the people who answered.
not interested in sending something anonymous but you were nice to me once and I remember that so I think you have to be good!!

I heard something about some of your opinions on certain things being kinda eccentric, though it was a long time ago and I don't really hold any ill will over you for it uwu

Beyond that I don't care enough about anything negative you've done to the point where I really care or have an opinion about it.
Jun Maeda
I don't know why but 4 days ago you made this thread and only one person actually responded, which is kinda weird at this point, being hated like this is super bad like cmon guys just chill a little and give winny a chance cuz he is a cool guy
Wimpy Cursed
no point responding? I don't have the strongest opinion on him.
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Jun Maeda wrote:

I don't know why but 4 days ago you made this thread and only one person actually responded, which is kinda weird at this point, being hated like this is super bad like cmon guys just chill a little and give winny a chance cuz he is a cool guy
There was a Google form attached to the post, so people could say their opinion anonymously. I have closed it down after seeing the replies (most were neutral). I appreciate that you came here to say this, it means a lot, but in this case, they replied somewhere else.
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I have ultimately decided that I am better off lurking whenever I want than be an active member. I still have demons that I have to control and I don't believe I can really provide anything to the community, so I think lurking would be better for me. Maybe I will reply if I feel like it, maybe not.
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