
gimme a song and if i like it ill make a 6k chart

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title kinda explains it. in terms of the chart, at most itll be 4.5 stars and maybe a 2nd or 3rd difficulty

in terms of what i like, ehh vocaloid songs are cool and just stuff youd see in rhythm games.

im planning to maybe make a chart of this but i wanna see what yall can find/want
Wimpy Cursed
was thinking about doing this myself for 4k. Maybe you'll like it

mass of the fermented dregs rules
Wimpy Cursed

xch00F wrote:

mass of the fermented dregs rules
found out about them recently. great stuff !
I wonder how many people are aware of how many 6k stepmania charts there are
I wonder how many people realize that they're more fun than 4k charts

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

W song, just one listen then i LOVE that song, thx
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