Decided to recreate the queue because of irrevelent posts, and some unorganization.
Note: If you are my mutual, please friggin ignore the ruels and directly post your map! Yes please, avoid asking me IRC, i tend to forget! If you post it here, I won't forget it, don't worry.
Blacklist for those who breaks the rules.
Note: If you are my mutual, please friggin ignore the ruels and directly post your map! Yes please, avoid asking me IRC, i tend to forget! If you post it here, I won't forget it, don't worry.
- Please use this form: Code
Slot: Insert which slot you want.
Map Link: Link the map, please post the information page, not the thread.
Map Title: Artist-Title
Genre: Insert anything here to describe your map, either source or genre.
Length: Insert the drain time for a difficulty.
Spread: Insert the spread - ENHI, ENH, NHI, etc...
I am: Insert in this place who you are. Ex: Mutual, Stalker(lol), or just describe your relation with me. If you don't know me at all, just write in [b]stranger[/b] - Note that i like instrumentals songs, Touhou and poniez. Please avoid JB and Rihanna, please.
- No editing posts. If you made accidently something wrong in your post, please forum PM me instead.
- To prove you've read the rules, please add in your post why i should mod your map.
- Always read the last psot to get the slot. I might also be adding a special question.
- I can always skip your map for x reason, will be sent in PM. I can also skip diff, and only mod a few of these.
- Not forbidden, but please don't use this thread as a chatting box. You can post some things, but just don't spam with completely irrevelant stuff.
- Might forget your map. Feel free to send me a forum PM, but ONLY after 1-2 weeks.
- I can only mod on weekend, so if i didn't mod your map on a weekend, then you'll have to wait next.
- Even if someone else request a slot, post anyway. I'll choose one of the maps. I usually take slots for those who have less ranked maps, or less mod, etc... you don't need hella lot of mod when you're experimented, but when you're a beginner, you need help, of course.
- While M4M ignore all rules, please use the form and read the rules anyway. As long as you did this, even if your mod wasn't really useful, I will mod. If you modded my map but the mod wasn't useful, i might skip.CodeSame as in rules section. Just add:
Mod link: Insert your mod here
Map link: Insert your map here. - I'm not hurried. I don't mind if i mod your map first, but that only if you used the form and read correctly the rules. Don't say just "hi m4m ill mod later mod mine while that". Be sure to apply correctly.
- Still, no editing post. Send PM instead.
Blacklist for those who breaks the rules.
hue, be aware before getting blacklisted.