
Is there like a way to combine 2 completely different maps into one combined song?

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Just crossed my mind idk. Trying to remix the osu! tutorial so that the end will be Galaxy Collapse. So... how can I combine the timing points of two completely different map so that the first downbeat of the second map(in this case Galaxy Collapse) will be the last timing point of the first map(in this case osu!tutorial)
load up song in audacity
drag and drop other song in audacity
export to single mp3
copy and paste notes
wala u did a mash up
Topic Starter
AGHHH! My title is confusing! What I actually meant is how can I combine the timing points of two completely different map so that the first downbeat of the second map(in this case Galaxy Collapse) will be the last timing point of the first map(in this case osu!tutorial)
i'm assuming you're only talking about the timing points, and you already did all the audio stuff that xch00f mentioned.

  1. open galaxy collapse in the editor
  2. open the timing panel
  3. depending on whether you want to copy red AND green lines or only red lines, select either the "All" tab or the "Timing points" tab.
  4. left click any timing point
  5. ctrl-a -> ctrl-c
  6. open the tutorial in the editor
  7. open the timing panel
  8. ctrl-v
  9. put the offset of the first timing point of galaxy collapse times -1 into the "Move selected offsets by:" field (-13 in this case)
  10. click "Move"
  11. put the desired offset offset off the first galaxy collapse timing point in ms into the same field (if you want it to be at 2:09:202, it's 129202)
  12. click "Move"
  13. click "OK"
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