
std 2v2 | estonian duo cup 2025

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  1. international; one estonian player required in a team
  2. 2v2, teams of 2
  3. #2000 - ∞
  4. max 20,000pp per team
  5. scorev2
  6. roll winner chooses pick or ban order
  7. roll loser chooses the remaining order

general info

  1. this is an osu! standard tournament
  2. this is a 2v2 tournament, with teams of 2 players
  3. the tournament will be played in score v2
  4. the tournament is international with the requirement of at least one of the two players being Estonian*
    1. the country of the second player does not matter
    1. read under about the teaming up restrictions
  5. rank range #2000 - ∞
  6. 16 teams will advance from qualifiers to a double elimination bracket stage
  7. no fail will be used on all maps
  8. both players must be in the tournament discord server by the time the registrations end
  9. staff are not allowed to participate excluding streamers and commentators
  10. all match times will be listed in UTC+0

teaming up restrictions

  1. neither of the players can exceed bws rank #2000
  2. calculate your bws rank using this formula
    bwsRank = rank^0.9937^badges^2
  1. team's total pp sum is capped at 20,000pp, with the maximum rank of an individual player being #2000
  2. custom bws pp formula applies to players with tournament badges:
bws pp = pp ^ (1.001 ^ (badge_count ^ 2))
how does this work
  1. for example player 1 has 9000pp & 2 tournament badges
  2. bws pp formula will be now used to calculate bws pp value for player 1:
    1. 9000pp ^ (1.001 ^ (2 ^ 2)) = 9334pp
  3. player 1 now needs to find a teammate with less than 10,666pp (20,000pp - 9334pp = 10,666pp) so that the 20,000pp maximum cap isn't exceeded
    1. player 1 (8000pp) & player 2 (10,000pp) = 18,000pp ✅ this is allowed
    2. player 1 (11,000pp) & player 2 (10,000pp) = 21,000pp ❌ this is not allowed
if you have any questions about calculating your own bws pp value or bws rank please contact cedru on discord!

mappool formats

  1. qualifiers: 6.60*
  2. round of 16: 6.50*
  3. quarterfinals: 6.70*
  4. semifinals: 6.90*
  5. finals: 7.10*
  6. grand finals: 7.40*
the star ratings are not final and may deviate

qualifier procedure

  1. the lobby will be created by a referee before the scheduled time
  2. team captains will receive an invite and are responsible for inviting the other player
  3. teams have 5 minutes to have both players in the lobby after the scheduled time. should a team arrive late, they can play the missed maps at the end of the lobby or reschedule to a new time
  4. the mappool will be played through in order once
  5. the top 16 teams from qualifiers will advance to a double elimination bracket stage
bracket stage procedure
  1. the lobby will be created by a referee before the scheduled time
  2. team captains will receive an invite and are responsible for inviting the other player
  3. both teams will have 10 minutes to join the lobby after the scheduled time. if a team fails to have both players available by then, the other team will win the match by default
  4. both teams are allowed to pick 1 warmup map with maximum length of 3:30. warmup map has to be outside of the mappool
  5. after warmups, both team captains will roll; the roll winner chooses either the pick or the ban order, with the roll loser choosing the other order
  6. banned maps are effectively removed from the mappool for duration of the match
  7. teams have 2 minutes to ban a map. should they fail to ban in time, their ban will be skipped
  8. starting from quarterfinals, teams will have 2 bans per match
    1. ban order is ABBA
  9. teams have 2 minutes to pick a map. should they fail to pick in time, their pick will pass to the other team. this will have no effect on the order of picks afterward
  10. teams have one minute to ready up after a map is picked. should they not be ready in time, the referee will force start the map with !mp start 15
  11. referees may allow, at their discretion, lower or higher tolerances for timers
  12. on freemod maps allowed mods are HD, HR, EZ and any combination of them
  13. using mods on freemod is required; a team must have atleast 1 HR and 1 HD
  14. the following multipliers will be manually applied to all scores played on the freemod slot on top of the default multipliers:

    the SS scores do not take into account the extra score obtainable from spinners
  15. in the case of a disconnection, common sense will be applied: if proof exists of the disconnected player's score (or a rough estimate of their hypothetical score if they finished the map), it will be added to their team's total score; if it is at all ambiguous, the other team will get the point; if the disconnection occurred in the first few seconds, the map will be aborted and restarted

  1. registration: December 22 - January 8 @ 21:59 UTC
  2. screening: January 9 - January 12
  3. qualifiers: January 13 - January 19
  4. round of 16: January 20 - January 26 | best of 9 | 1 ban
  5. quarterfinals: January 27 - February 2 | best of 11 | 2 bans
  6. semifinals: February 3 - February 9 | best of 11 | 2 bans
  7. finals: February 10 - February 16 | best of 13 | 2 bans
  8. grand finals: February 17 - February 23 | best of 13 | 2 bans
grand finals may be delayed by a week if all remaining teams agree to it

1st place
  1. 80€ split between both players
2nd place
  1. 40€ split between both players
3rd place
  1. 30€ split between both players
if you want to donate to the prize pool please contact cedru on discord!

Host: cedru , Eminem , Ancenthe
Mappool: cedru , Eminem , Ancenthe , Slay
Mappers: riot1133
Streamers: cedru
Commentators: cedru , Eminem , Slay , ripwrist , MEGAHELLO
Playtesters/Replayers: cedru , Ancenthe , ripwrist , Samoyed
Graphics: cedru
Sheeter: Ancenthe , cedru , MEGAHELLO
Referee: Ancenthe , Eminem , nekiak
looking for more staff, please contact cedru on discord if you'd like to join the staff!
Topic Starter
WHAT THE F*$#!!!!!!!!
Why make an "Estonian tourney" that lets half of the duo be non Estonian

walpar wrote:

Why make an "Estonian tourney" that lets half of the duo be non Estonian
there are like 3 active estonian players
Suur kui tõsi
tohutuid uudiseid
wow osu wow many estonia
hell yeah
The Hassle
rank range made me smile :)
mehed ;3
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