
[STD] Zixx's Aspire Tournament [2v2, TS4, 100k-300k] [Regs open]

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| General Information
  1. ZAT is an international, 2v2, teamsize 4 tournament with a minimum of 2 players required per team.
  2. Players must be within 100k-300k by the end of registrations. No rank buffer.
  3. All times mentioned are in UTC+0.
  4. All Captains are required to be in the discord server by the end of registrations.
  5. The tournament uses an Extra SP slot, which can be anything not traditionally found in tournaments (2B, Aspire etc).
    1. Most of these will be freemod, however they can have enforced mods if listed on main sheet.
  6. Graphic Designers, Referees, Streamers and Commentators may participate in the tournament if they wish to.
  7. Be respectful to other players and staff. Homophobia, Racism, Slurs or anything of the sort will not be tolerated.
  8. You're expected to follow osu! community guidelines at all times.
  9. Instructions given by any tournament staff should always be followed.
| Qualifier Procedures
  1. All maps will be played with NF, V2 and Head-to-Head enforced.
  2. A minimum of 2 players must be present for each map.
  3. Maps will be played in order from NM1 - SP1
    1. NM1 > NM2 > NM3 > NM4 > NM5 > HD1 > HD2 > HR1 > HR2 > DT1 > DT2 > SP1
    2. The mappool is played only once.
  4. Teams have 90 seconds to ready up between maps.
    1. Failing to do so Once will result in a warning
    2. Failing to do so Twice or more will result in an immediate !mp start
  5. If a team is 5 minutes late to their lobby, they will be forced to reschedule.
  6. If a team cannot play with 2 players anymore, their scores will be voided and they will be disqualified.
  7. Qualifier results will be calculated in Zipfs Law
| Match Procedures
  1. Each captain will be pinged 15 minutes before the lobby is created, and invited 5 minutes before the lobby time.
  2. If a team is late to their match, they will be penalized
    1. Being late by 10 minutes will result in bans being lost.
    2. Being late by 15 minutes will result in an automatic Forfeit.
  3. Warm ups are allowed as long as they are below 4 minutes and not in the current weeks mappool.
  4. Once both captains are in the lobby, they will !roll to determine who chooses pick or ban order. Loser gets the other option.
    1. example: If Team A chooses pick order and to pick first, Team B will choose whether to ban first or second
  5. Each team will be given 90 seconds for picks and bans.
    1. Going past this timer on bans will result in the ban being lost.
    2. Going past this timer once during picks will result in a warning.
    3. Going past this timer twice or more times during picks will result in pick being given to the other team without affecting pick order.
  6. Ban order is ABBA.
  7. Freemod will require each team to have:
    1. Player 1 plays HD/EZHD
    2. Player 2 plays HR/HDHR
  8. FL can replace one of the mod combinations
  9. Multipliers:
    1. EZ = 1.8x
    2. FL = 1.3x
  10. Tiebreaker is full Freemod with no forced mods besides NF.
  11. Disconnects will be handled the same way as in Corsix 3
  12. Async Matches are disallowed.

Dave Seville
Hype af >:)
Wow look, a tournament
Dave Seville
Mr Quesadilla
fun tourney lets goo
мне стоит попробовать? если конечно найдется тима)
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