beatmapsets/2276981#osu/4852585 although I already ranked a map but I have never mapped something like this before, thats why I kinda need help
left a note. doesn't require moddingRuubiii wrote:
beatmapsets/2276981#osu/4852585 although I already ranked a map but I have never mapped something like this before, thats why I kinda need help
Don't like the song + you've got ranked maps already, go find a bndiponski wrote:
Helo and ty
Left a short comment in the review section. The set looks fine to me, not much to mod. There's a lot of stuff in KoldNoodl's diff that i personally don't like, but it's subjective, so whatever.Donpa-chan wrote:
NM Request Please
Emissar Wul Elverhojj - Vaelumir's Call
I'm not STD mapper btw XD
Thank you very much
Left a mod, for any clarifications or additional feedback add me on discord.szdomokos83 wrote:
I'm looking mostly for feedback on my map. I don't have any ranked maps yet (not that I'm really trying). Would like if you could check the spacing out, as most of my past maps got mods saying that I should try to do better spacing for emphasis.
Drain: 3:24
Genre: Rock/Metal (I don't know the difference to be honest)
Thanks in advance!
No thank you, I don't like exposing my ears to vomit. (*'▽')Fishbaitss wrote:
beatmapsets/2288706#osu/4883897 (thanks in advance)
Don't like the song, but from what i've see the map is good enough.sidney777 wrote:
beatmapsets/1963956#osu/4843831 the
Looks like a map from 2011 or smth. If you intentionally went for an old aesthetic, congrats you've done it. Unfortunately i don't like the song, so i won't be modding. Not that i can mod this type of map anyway, since I only really care about flow/sliders. Also please find a better audio file if you can.Killer602 wrote:
beatmapsets/2159074#osu/4552941 Please and thank you.
Apologies can't stand russian music so auto-decline. I think some the rhythms at the start are a bit off or could be represented better. But other than that, it's fine.Astridskiyy wrote:
please ty
Ignored the rules of the queue.michaelscarn60 wrote:
beatmapsets/2289676#osu/4886524 ty
Sometimes i wish i didn't know japanese.AutumnVN wrote:
I might leave a note on this.Antagoor wrote:
Would appreciate a mod if you like the song. Thanks!
Sure, there doesn't seem a lot of stuff to point out, but there's some stuff that grinds my gears.creckonic wrote:
beatmapsets/2289735#osu/4886671 one diff so far, any mods help
Declined. Not interested in the song.Hitomi_Konoe wrote:
beatmapsets/2233188#osu/4743052 pisya popa
Left a short note.Jushi01 wrote:
TheFatRat & RIELL - Hiding In The Blue (Cut Ver.)
Beatmap Link:
Thank you for the opportunity
Left a brief noteMr_Octopus_2020 wrote:
Beatmap Link:
Length: 3:14 (2:39 drain time)
Style: Electro / Future House
SR: 3.98* (Feel free to choose other diffs)
Thanks for modding! Pls share your suggestions and I'll improve it quick.
Not interested in the song, sorry.EdgyKing wrote:
Oreore-Usagi - Drain ReD rain
NM, thanks!
You've already got ranked stuff, even if it's just GDs. I'd suggest go ask BNs instead of asking mods. Most of the stuff people would point out is gonna be subjective anyway. You don't really have fatal mistakes.MrMenda wrote:
Hii! Was writing for a mod req
Thanks in advance!
left my thoughts regarding the map[ Azu-chan ] wrote:
Thank you and apologies for taking your time!
left a modbananadead wrote:
beatmapsets/2291846#osu/4893265 [we will shine forever]
wanna push it for ranked soooooo bad
I don't like how lacklustre the intensity of your kiai's is. I feel like when the music feels the most intense you just make the movement stilted and boring. I don't know if it's due to you being afraid about star-rating or what, but it just doesn't sit well with me. Your patterns and visuals are great, and movement for the most part* is good enough, which makes me even more confused as to why you chose to map the most interesting parts of the song in such a bewilderingly boring way. I know that you can probably provide reasoning for your choices, I can see logic behind them after all. But that doesn't make it any better in my eyes. That's about all the feedback i can provide._koishi1 wrote:
helloo, im going for my 1st rank
beatmapsets/2285768#osu/4875890 NM
ShinRa-Bansho - Mugen Shitto Gekijou "666" | 4:32min length, j-pop video game song
all diff are finish including hitsound (insane 5.08 & expert 6.00star)
it fine if you want to only mod 1 diff, if so then you can pick any diff
left a commentDeerol wrote:
Hiii! I'm trying to make a good map, for the rating. If you like the song, I would love your advice! You can choose any difficulty you want, as they all need tweaking...
beatmapsets/2295858#osu/4903487 <3
Left a modBetterMeman wrote:
beatmapsets/2101113#osu/4606769 nm plz (any feedback helps)
modded, cute map0wyze1 wrote:
beatmapsets/2296327#osu/4904542 hello
I've looked through it, and the top diff just ignores half of the song rhythms. The spacing is also weird. The rhythm problem can easily be solved if you reference swerize's Extra diff. But i'm not interested enough in the song to mod the spacing stuff.93RF wrote:
Don't like the song, sorry. From what i've seen your map seems solid and feels nice to play, but i couldn't get rid of the feeling that it doesn't represent the song well in terms of intensity._EpicDisaster_ wrote:
nm please, ty!
Might leave a comment when i'm free.Jushi01 wrote:
Hello again!
I've done a lot of rework for most of my difficulties with the help of your mod (thank you so much btw).
Is it okay if you can re-mod my reworked beatmap? Your feedbacks are useful..
TheFatRat & RIELL - Hiding In The Blue (Cut Ver.)
Beatmap Link:
Again, thank you for the opportunity
I don't really like reading-gimmick maps, I don't know what makes them good, so i'm in no position to mod it.SigKao wrote:
beatmapsets/2247389#osu/4783858 (Top Diff plz, also good christmas eve or merry holidays if u don't do christmas)
I do like some EDM, but this kind of "camellia" sounding stuff is just unpleasant to listen to imo. So i won't be touching it.KomoIndo wrote:
Hi, do you accept edm music?
What is this budget yorukshika (*'▽').dimesome wrote:
This is the Christmas present, happy Christmas~
Ignored cuz the song is a joke.hikarucorp_ wrote: