
[question] Anyone Else Feel Like Lazar's Mouse Acceleration is off?

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I have been playing Osu! Standard for a couple of years now (with a mouse), and preparing to make the switch to Lazar has been mostly positive.

When playing Lazar, however, even with identical settings in terms of sensitivity and making sure raw input is off, I find that my aim is not necessarily worse, but artificially more inconsistent.

I tend to slightly under-aim or over-aim on maps that I can normally FC with ease on standard. I don't know what the issue is but I was wondering why this may be and if anyone else is also struggling with an inconsistent-feeling aim system. I may be going crazy but this feeling has persisted for months so i wanted to say something here.
Yeah no, there are some differences in aim for both versions, on stable it feels like I’m aiming, and on Lazer it feels like I’m aiming a flat square without any angles if you know what I mean
Just to confirm, do you have high precision mouse enabled in settings?

spaceman_atlas wrote:

Just to confirm, do you have high precision mouse enabled in settings?
That might be it, tnx
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spaceman_atlas wrote:

Just to confirm, do you have high precision mouse enabled in settings?
I do, it just doesn't feel right. its like itll be fine and then suddenly start underaiming every circle or overaiming. I understand there is a skill aspect as well, but as someone who has played both on mouse, something is off.
Unfortunately "something is off" does not help me much. Unless you can say what is off and probably back it up with some evidence there is basically nothing for me to look into.
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spaceman_atlas wrote:

Unfortunately "something is off" does not help me much. Unless you can say what is off and probably back it up with some evidence there is basically nothing for me to look into.
Hello. I mentioned in my post that aiming is inconsistent and cited my personal experience of under-aiming and over-aiming on maps that I easily FC on standard, with the exact same settings.

Youre engaging in a bad-faith argument by reducing my claim down to "Something is off". Though I did say that, and it is an apt description of the situation, I gave my anecdotal evidence and unfortunately, that's all I have for ya.

if nothing else, my post should raise awareness, with time you may or may not see more of these so even if you dont act now just keep it in mind.

thanks for taking your time to help the community.

Darker_Core wrote:

Youre engaging in a bad-faith argument by reducing my claim down to "Something is off". Though I did say that, and it is an apt description of the situation, I gave my anecdotal evidence and unfortunately, that's all I have for ya.
No I am respectfully telling you that anecdotal evidence that has no clear reproduction steps is not actionable from my view. I cannot investigate "something is off" "doesn't feel right" "it'll be fine and then it won't". Even if I get 200 people telling me the same that still doesn't really change much except I guess give me more of an incentive to look for a needle in a haystack.
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