
Tedjimo yomigY - Edelweiss [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 6:46:42 PM

Artist: Tedjimo yomigY
Title: Edelweiss
Source: 第11回自称無名BMS作家が物申す!
Tags: BMS FA Featured Artist Electronic echolocation Yomiji Tejimo Ederuwaisu 9K 9 key
BPM: 139
Filesize: 4555kb
Play Time: 02:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 9Key (1.2 stars, 308 notes)
  2. Eduardo - 9Key (4.69 stars, 1990 notes)
  3. Hard - 9Key (2.82 stars, 1230 notes)
  4. Insane - 9Key (3.8 stars, 1712 notes)
  5. Normal - 9Key (2.05 stars, 722 notes)
Download: Tedjimo yomigY - Edelweiss
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
63rd set
9k needs some love too!

I find it funny how 9k holds a special place in my heart and I praise it a lot, but I've never made a full 9k set. I have a few 9k charts and even tried making a pack (which is now deleted, but some maps from it are in my other sets), but most of my charts nowadays are 10k with some 4k/7k sprinkled in. Now, that's no longer the case!

I made this on and off starting like a month ago because me and Ska were talking about 9k, but I only really charted a bunch of this set in the last 2 days. I like how this turned out and I think it's pretty fun, so here ya go. Hope there's more harder 9k content in the future!

it's also been a while since i made a spread how did i pump out so much of these like 2 years ago???

BG Source

xBomb's Maps


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