
[OPEN] [GD/HS REQ | STD/Taiko] ARForest - The Last Page (FOR RANKED)

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Nechi Misaki Ch


  1. title: The Last Page
  2. artist: ARForest
  3. genre: Electronic (Artcore)
  4. language: Instrumental
  5. length: 2:16
  6. BPM: 195
  7. beatmap: beatmapsets/2280040


  1. futsuu by no one (open for GD)
  2. muzukashii by no one (open for GD)
    (2.00* - 2.99*)
  3. oni by no one (open for GD)
    (3.00* - 3.75*)
  4. inner oni (Final Journey) by me (closed; finished)
  1. easy by no one (open for GD & HS)
  2. normal by no one (open for GD & HS)
    (2.00* - 2.99*)
  3. hard by no one (open for GD & HS)
    (3.00* - 3.75*)
  4. insane by s-YOMi (open for HS)
    (4.00* - 4.99*)
  5. expert by no one (open for GD & HS)
    (5.00* - 6.50*)
  6. expert+ (New Beginnings) by no one (open for GD & HS)

  1. added s-YOMi's Insane difficulty, now only open for HS (hitsounding)

genuinely need some difficulties for this map, so here's a little bit of information on what's open or not. currently aiming for ranked, so nothing unrankable, please.
you can contact me via Discord (kyonezumi) or send the difficulty file via PMs (also in the forum replies here)

this beatmap has 2 background images, so please use them on what it was supposed to. (on standard, the top diff image must be used on both expert difficulties, and also there's no need to change the bg on taiko difficulties)
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