i dont know what else to say, i used to have 98% accuracy playing just around the 6.3-6.5* level, able to get through a good portion of maps like road of resistance (beatmapsets/399372#osu/869222) with relatively alright accuracy for my rank before running out of stamina or failing the spaced stream. decided i wanted to improve my accuracy on harder maps and started gradually playing maps on the higher end of the 6* range. now after about 3 weeks of trying, my stamina has dropped, the stream bpm i can play at has dropped, im getting barely 90% on lower 6* maps IF i even pass them, and its not that i struggle, i just literally cant even hit the easiest of jumps now. even if it's incredibly easy to read, it feels like im dancing with luck to see where if i can pass the section or not. im taking 1-2 day breaks and its not fixing anything. quite frankly i have little motivation to keep playing anymore. i hate pp farming, the maps are boring, so i wanted to improve to 7* to play maps i actually enjoy properly. but now im struggling with high 5* jump maps. what is going on with me