Please do this so we will know how much pp a play is worth instead of having to hunt it down in our performance list.
Yeah , I totally agree . It would help a lot to have pp show up after you finished a song . The only problem I have with it being in the recent activity is that only songs in with you achieve a rank that is higher than 1000 ( best case scenario ) appear there , basically making it pointless if you were to get a lesser rank . Also it could potentially flood the recent activity feed with pointless +1 pp raises . However , I generally agree with the idea that pp show up in some form , rather than having to manually scroll through the list of top ranks in order to find the particular song and pp gained from it ( I do appreciate the show more option that has been recently added ) . That being said you can have a star!xasuma wrote:
I would like to add to this idea to also make it real time/in game. Exactly as mikuia does for twitch streamers. I would really like to have that feature built into the game at the end of a song.