
Show pp amount in Recent Activity

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +60
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Please do this so we will know how much pp a play is worth instead of having to hunt it down in our performance list.
Yeah , I'm totally with you :)
Vuelo Eluko
i like it but 4 months of supporter gave me no stars to give
Eizan Arizawa
I greatly suporting this Idea with my invisible star :3
I would like to add to this idea to also make it real time/in game. Exactly as mikuia does for twitch streamers. I would really like to have that feature built into the game at the end of a song.

xasuma wrote:

I would like to add to this idea to also make it real time/in game. Exactly as mikuia does for twitch streamers. I would really like to have that feature built into the game at the end of a song.
Yeah , I totally agree . It would help a lot to have pp show up after you finished a song . The only problem I have with it being in the recent activity is that only songs in with you achieve a rank that is higher than 1000 ( best case scenario ) appear there , basically making it pointless if you were to get a lesser rank . Also it could potentially flood the recent activity feed with pointless +1 pp raises . However , I generally agree with the idea that pp show up in some form , rather than having to manually scroll through the list of top ranks in order to find the particular song and pp gained from it ( I do appreciate the show more option that has been recently added :D ) . That being said you can have a star! ;)
Wouldn't it be easy to simply not display pp changes in recent activity, just as it is now?

The only place where it would appear would be in the score screen, as your combo number, 300's hit, 100's hit, etc. Somewhere in there it could say "+0.10pp" for example. Or in that little table when you scroll down from the score screen.

This way nothing else would change.

edit: lol I just realized that what I said means I do not agree with the topic. However this is a different way to get the same result without spamming the recent activity log. And in my opinion, much easier.
Topic Starter
I don't really care to know how much pp is added to my total. I am interested in how much pp a play is worth.

I play CTB. Basically any gamemode that isn't standard will get you into the top 1000 even for a substandard play.
this doesnt really sound like something necesary, more useful would be to add a search option in your top performance so you can instantly search for it, or add it to the info you see on the beatmap's page (this stuff). otherwise i feel like your profile would become too full of information
This is needed!
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