
How to get better at aim? Consistency issues

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Having serious problems with my aim and consistency, almost every map which I really able to FC requires more than 50 retries. Keep getting random misses all the time
Also I tried many different tablet areas, devocub antichatter settings but nothing really worked for me.
Please, give me any advice on this

Here's my tablet area and devocub antichatter settings

I would suggest a way smaller area, a more comfortable grip, and keep playing with that until you feel comfortable enough to kinda aim and it aims exactly where you wanted it to. Maybe someone has some better advice
learn smaller cs, maybe your aim precision is not strong, so you 'randomly' miss because you can never hit things very precisely

i wouldn't use smoothing/delay myself (latenchy 0), only antichatter that doesn't affect aim when you move cursor a bit faster. i'd go for bigger area, too.
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