
Schabowy's Weekly Challenge - Taiko

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Our osu!taiko community server - Polish Schabowy, is going to organize Schabowy's Weekly Challenge.
We are going to start this event on Monday 18UTC, however you can join in anytime.
Every country can participate!
Here is a discord server and more information can be gathered there:

The rules are below:

General Rules:

  1. Gameplay:

Maps must be played on osu!stable client.
Given week's challenge determines the scoring system. ScoreV1 submissions are invalid during ScoreV2 weeks, and vice versa.
"Enforced" mods must be included, or else submission is invalid.
"Optional" mods can be included at player's choice. Optional mods may sometimes have different modifiers to player's score than in-game multipliers. (Especially when week's win condition is different than score)
All other unmentioned mods are considered forbidden, and submissions that include them are invalid.
Failed scores are invalid.

  1. Submission:

To submit a score, send a replay file of your play to ⁠replays.
Multiple submissions per player are allowed. Each submission overwrites the previous one, even if it's worse or invalid.

  1. Time Period:

Each challenge gets announced approximately at Monday 18 UTC.
Each challenge begins with the moment it's officially announced. Plays from before that moment are invalid.
Each challenge ends on Sunday 23 UTC. Submissions after that hour are ignored.
Results of each challenge are revealed together with the announcement of the next challenge on Monday.

  1. Categories:

Each challenge is split into Lower Category and Upper Category.
One player can participate in only one category in one challenge. In case player submits scores to both categories, Lower Category's submissions is ignored.

  1. Player Limitations:

Players with rank #2000 or higher are forbidden from participating in Lower Category. They can only play in Upper Category.
Player who picked a map for a challenge is forbidden from participating in that challenge in that category (both categories if they picked both maps). They can participate normally in future challenges.
yo carreo gente (no tengo ni idea de que lo que dice ay xd)
na żopa
so yummy
My Angel Benard
zenon wleci
Yes I love Schabowy!!!!!!!!!! Yummy
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