
Looking for Combo numbers

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Hello Guys,

I am making a skin (obviously) and I was looking for some help. I want to add score numbers like the ones on dragonhumans skin

Video with Dragonhumans skin: ( He didnt want to share his skin, so i cant download it :cry: )

EDIT: 5:30 in the video if it helps

If anyone can find a skin with those numbers, or some similar, like I know Shizuru- before he got banned had numbers like those so they are probably out there somewhere, it would be most appreciated if you could share with me :3.

- ContrabassPvP
Ayesha Altugle

Mathsma wrote:
That link may think that that link is the answer

but yeah, read it first
The Skinning forum is sadly not a place to ask for skins or elements from skins, new threads are for new skins only. You can still ask here though.
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