Hey all, I'm a beginner modder and a mentee of Electoz who wants to get some practice in, so I decided to open up this mod queue for myself.
- No tech;
- I'm still new, so don't expect any groundbreaking mods from me;
- I'll be taking requests in chronological order;
- Preferrably jump maps;
- No m4m, I'm doing NM reqs for now;
- Don't be rude when answering, I'm still learning
- Ideally maps of decent quality, if your map isn't even timed properly I won't mod it;
- Don't put in more than 3 maps at once;
- Be sure to like my mod posts so I can get my virtual internet points (kudosu);
- Keep in mind, you might additionally get a mod from a BN if you submit your map here.