This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 2:57:58 PM
Artist: Para Dot.
Title: Colored Garden
Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Tags: paradotto zenerat adaptor 大妖精 daiyousei touhou 東方Colour Bass 東方project artcore lunate elf ZUN 上海アリス幻樂団 Shanghai Alice Phantom Troupe electronic instrumental video game
BPM: 150
Filesize: 5473kb
Play Time: 00:32
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Project to do list:
[box= _________________________________________________[/color]]
Artist: Para Dot.
Title: Colored Garden
Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Tags: paradotto zenerat adaptor 大妖精 daiyousei touhou 東方Colour Bass 東方project artcore lunate elf ZUN 上海アリス幻樂団 Shanghai Alice Phantom Troupe electronic instrumental video game
BPM: 150
Filesize: 5473kb
Play Time: 00:32
Difficulties Available:
- Luminescent Foliage (3.53 stars, 98 notes)
- Mystical Meadow (6.63 stars, 687 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
9th beatmap:
going for ranked
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--> 5 prospective gders so far
storyboard: open
going for ranked
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--> 5 prospective gders so far
- n: ~2.6* Procq
- h: ~3.4* 1 prospective
- i: ~4.3* me (working on rn) || Luminescent Foliage
- x: ~5.2* Bokeh
- x+: ~6* Withard
- top diff: 6.7* me (polishing) || Mystical Meadow
storyboard: open
Project to do list:
[box= _________________________________________________[/color]]
- need to polish x+ (Mystical Meadow)
- need to finish i (Luminescent Foliage)
- Whithard needs to finish his diff (x+)
- Bokeh needs to finish their diff (x)
- procq needs to finish his diff (n)
- need to either make or check to fill open spots for the hard diff