
[STD] 5 Digit Touhou Cup 2 | 4v4 TS8 Draft | 10K - 99,999 [Finished]

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Are you a Touhou fan and want to play bunch of Touhou maps?
Have you ever wished for Touhou-themed tournament for low-ranked players?
This is the perfect place for you.
Introducing the 2nd iteration of 5THC:
5 Digit Touhou Cup 2.

Discord | Main Sheet | Challonge | Twitch | Youtube

Player Registrations | Staff Registrations

  1. 5 Digit Touhou Cup 2 is an international 4v4 TS8 Draft osu! standard tournament that features Touhou-themed pools, with rank range #10,000-99,999 after BWS.
    Team format might be able to change to 3v3 ts6 draft or something else depends on the amount of players who played qualifiers. Amount of qualifying players will also get changed.
  2. A BWS formula {rank^(0.9937^(badges^2))} will be applied. After registrations close, nobody else is allowed to join the tournament.
    New to BWS? refer to the osu! official wiki page.
  3. Players will play a qualifiers round, and 16 hand-picked Captains will draft 7 players each to form a team.
    This will make 16 teams with 16 Captains, 7 players per team excluding the Captain, and a total of 128 players including Captains.
  4. Since this iteration is Badged, screening will be done through osu! staff. Please appeal any screens to instead of the 5THC2 staff team.
  5. All players must join the Discord server in order to participate until end of registrations.
    Players who haven't joined the tournament discord won't be able to participate in this tournament.
  6. Please show respect to any staff members and other players involved. Failure to do so may result in a disqualification and instant ban from the server. Please use common sense to resolve issues if rules are inapplicable.
  7. All livestreamed videos will be uploaded to the official tournament Youtube channel due to the lack of twitch permissions.
Missing infos/Changes will be updated right after noticed, and will be properly announced to the players.

  1. 16 Draft Captains will be handpicked by staff, and also draft orders will be handpicked. (obviously staffs who cannot join the tournament)
  2. Captains will pick players to form a team from a pool of qualified players.
  3. Draft Proxy is allowed, but we still recommend captains to draft with their own hands and use this as a last resort. See below for more info.
    About Draft Proxy
    1. This is for captains who can't make it in the drafting time (or can't schedule it) or don't know how it works etc.
    2. Proxy must not be a player or 5THC2 staff.
    3. We take no responsibility of proxy drafting results, which means you can't revert or undone the results.
  4. This tournament will use the Snake Draft procedure, having total of 7 rounds. Captains will have a draft order from 1 to 16 at first.
  5. If all of the captains picked a player then it will count as the end of the round, and pick order will be reversed each round.
    Example of how draft works
    So it will be like this:

    Round 1 pick order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
    Round 2 pick order: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    Round 3 pick order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...

    This repeats until Round 7 (the time when 7 players are in each team excluding captain) is done.
  6. Each captains will have a 2-minute timer per each turn, 1 Extension for the whole draft session to pick a player.
    Extension can be used anytime if the currently drafting player requests it and will grant you 1 Extra minute to draft. Also, an Extension timer will be applied after the 2-minute timer. This action cannot be undone.
    If the captain fails to pick a player in time then Extension will be used. if there's no Extension left then the highest seeded player in qualifiers available will be automatically picked. This action cannot be undone.
  7. Team Seeding will be determined via marbles (Marbles on Stream), then matches up like 1st-16th, 2nd-15th, 3rd-14th and it goes on.
    Full Marbles VOD will be available from our official Youtube Channel (will be short but regardless of the length our goal is to upload every single streams we had to our Youtube channel so others can still see).
Do note that qualified does not mean a guaranteed chance to get drafted from a captain. Players who didn't get drafted from any of the captains aren't eligible to participate further, and will be automatically eliminated.

  • Qualifiers:
  1. Qualifiers will be played before the Draft procedure happens.
  2. Each player will play through a designated qualifiers mappool. No warmups are given. All players are expected to warm up before their lobby.
    They will start from NM1 and end at DT3. Referees cannot play alongside players in the qualifiers lobby.
  3. If 2 or more players schedule the same lobby, they will be put into one lobby.
  4. If a specific lobby is full of 16 players, other players can't schedule to that lobby. A new lobby will need to be created.
  5. If a player disconnects in the middle of the map before it is finished, they can replay the map once after all qualifiers maps are done.
  6. If a player has personal issues and can't play in a default lobby, they can apply for the Extra lobbies where they can choose when they're going to play the qualifiers.
  7. Do note that players can only schedule up to 16 Extra lobbies. After that you cannot apply for more Extra lobbies.
    You need to choose the lobby from the list in that case. Choosing the existing Extra lobbies are allowed.
  8. Top 184 players will pass qualifiers and will be seeded using a Z-Sum formula. Each player’s seed is calculated based on the sum of their Z-Scores across all maps.
    A player's Z-Score for each map is given by the formula: (Score - AVERAGE(Scores on map)) / STDEV(Scores on map).

    Bracket stage:
  9. Referees will create a match 15 minutes before it is supposed to start.
    They will invite captains (or a player on the same team if the captain is absent). The captain's job is to invite everybody.
  10. If a team does not show up or shows up with less than 4 players, they will lose their ban after 10 minutes, and if 15 minutes passes, they will be forfeited.
    If neither team shows up, then either they will reschedule their match or they will FF.
  11. No warmups are allowed..
  12. All matches will be played with ScoreV2, NoFail. Additional mods can be added according to the pick.
  13. The two captains will roll, and the winner of the roll gets to choose if they want to pick/ban first or second. Loser of the roll will choose the other one left.
    for example, if Red rolled highest and they pick to first ban, their choice does not influence the other team, meaning Blue can choose if they want first or second pick.
  14. Each team bans 1 map in the order AB or ABBA. There are no pick/ban restrictions.
  15. Teams have 90 seconds for each ban/pick, and if the timer runs out, they will lose their ban/pick, BUT the ban/pick order will be kept, which means opponent will steal the ban/pick.
  16. Each team will get 1 timeout per match. Timeouts will last for 2 minutes. This action cannot be undone, so use your timeout carefully.
    If the normal timer except the banning phase (such as pick, match preparation) runs out and nothing has chosen, then the corresponding team will automatically use the timeout. This action cannot be undone.
  17. Each team gets 1 !mp abort per match if all of the conditions are met written below.
    If an !mp abort has been used, there will not be another given to the team requesting a second.
    1. Teammate got a technical issue or disconnection while playing
    2. Map progression will be less than 30 seconds or less than 1/4 of the map's length. Shorter ones will be applied after comparing the length of these two
  18. If a teammate disconnects after their team's !mp abort has been used, the disconnected player's score will not count (or set to 0) unless they have a screenshot/other proof of their score.
  19. The osu!Bancho timestamp will be used to calculate any kind of time related issues (!mp timers or abort time etc). You can easily track the map starting time with the match link.
  20. Please report any questionable default times to the host. Captains may also ask for specific parameters for defaults a week in advance (ex. asking for a Saturday default because a teammate is gone on Sunday).
  21. Asynchronous or self-reffed matches are NOT allowed with NO exceptions.
  22. If defaults do not come out by late Tuesday/early Wednesday, feel free to DM the host or admin on Discord.
  23. If your team experiences trouble while scheduling the matches, contact the host or admin as a last resort. We will help you sort it out.
Anything outside this page's rule uses common sense.

Qualifiers: 4NM / 2HD / 2HR / 3DT (6.6*)
RO16: 5NM / 2HD / 2HR / 3DT / 2FM / 1TB (6.2*) - BO9, 1 ban
QF: 5NM / 3HD / 3HR / 3DT / 3FM / 1TB (6.4*) - BO11, 2 bans
SF: 5NM / 3HD / 3HR / 3DT / 3FM / 1TB (6.6*) - BO11, 2 bans
F: 6NM / 3HD / 3HR / 4DT / 3FM / 1TB (6.8*) - BO13, 2 bans
GF: 6NM / 3HD / 3HR / 4DT / 3FM / 1TB (7*) - BO13, 2 bans
OTH will not be returning this iteration.

FM Rules
Available mods: NM, HD, HR, EZ
At least 3 players have to use a mod from each team, and at least 1 HR and 1 HD/EZ need to be used.
HDHR will be counted as HR when it comes to mod restrictions, which means you will still get HDHR score multiplier.
Example: HDHR, HD, HD, NM is allowed because HDHR is counted as HR.
This will be also changed if team format has been changed.
EZ multiplier is 1.8x.
TB follow the same rules as Freemods, but there is no mod restrictions.

September 30 - October 20: Registration Period
October 21 - November 3: Screening
October 28 - November 10: Qualifiers
November 11 - November 17: Drafting Period
November 18 - November 24: RO16
November 25 - December 1: QF
December 2 - December 8: SF
December 9 - December 15: Finals
December 16 - December 22: GF

If required, the tournament will be delayed for screening results.
GF may be delayed for up to a week after the designated weekend.
Afterwards, the team that cannot schedule is automatically forfeited.

1st place: Banner + Pending profile badge
2nd place: Banner
3rd place: Banner

Character will be included in the badge...and is copyright-free!
The art is made to fit for this tournament from the gfx staffs!

Please report any concerns with this tournament to the osu! tournament committee through the link here:
badged :(
We all love touhou!
i wanna play in this but i dont have 3 friends in my rank range

huu wrote:

i wanna play in this but i dont have 3 friends in my rank range
It's a draft cup, so getting together in the same team as your friends aren't very likely. Also sign ups don't require having a team pre made to sign up, you sign up individually. and after playing the qualifiers, have a chance to get drafted into a team by a draft captain.

I would say join it if you can, cuz literally doesn't matter which new people you meet, we all have that we love touhou in common.

Suzusen wrote:

huu wrote:

i wanna play in this but i dont have 3 friends in my rank range
It's a draft cup, so getting together in the same team as your friends aren't very likely. Also sign ups don't require having a team pre made to sign up, you sign up individually. and after playing the qualifiers, have a chance to get drafted into a team by a draft captain.

I would say join it if you can, cuz literally doesn't matter which new people you meet, we all have that we love touhou in common.
i better see satori rearranges at least once
puaj host
touhou fans cup
winning team should get a fumo per player

BeZonaurul wrote:

winning team should get a fumo per player
i would unironically do that if i had the money ngl
i will be there
- Izayoi -
Let's fucking go

BeZonaurul wrote:

winning team should get a fumo per player
as a touhou character name carrier,i'm in
discord invite link expired, update him pls :<
Topic Starter

NeetWor wrote:

discord invite link expired, update him pls :<
updated, sorry for the inconvenience
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