
osu! resources - a curated collection of links to various osu! projects

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I am one of the moderators of the largest osu! community-driven Discord server and we just launched a website with our curated collection of links to useful tools and resources.

See the website here:

The Discord server has been running pretty much since the creation of Discord, and we always had players asking for tablet recommendations, skins, and advice. For the longest time our solution was to have commands that posted useful links to such content. Most people didn't know those commands and they weren't prominently displayed, so their usefulness was questionable.

Last year, an idea started floating around that we should create a channel where we could have a public and prominent list of all those links. There was some loose discussion about it, people were generally for it, but nobody had the time or motivation to compile the list.

At the start of last February, the idea was revived - there was a dedicated channel created where the members of the staff suggested links to resources they found useful. It was worked on on-and-off, but eventually by the end of August we had a list and a format we were happy with.

Now that we had a foundation to work on, it was decided to move the list to GitHub where we could organize it more effectively, iterate on it. The bot on the server was updated to post the list on Discord when it was updated. We added GitHub Actions to check for broken links daily, added a guide on how to contribute, put some basic rules for the content in place and it was finally ready.

The list was announced to the server and we have been adding to it ever since. We also had some very helpful contributions from members of the community.

I suggested an idea to also create a website where the list could be viewed online - available for people outside of the Discord server, easier to search through, and just prettier than a Discord channel. By the end of the week - the website was done, approved and deployed on GitHub Pages for everyone to browse.

We are very happy with the project. I personally want to keep adding to it, and I hope this inspires other people to also contribute their own links to osu! related projects/guides/tools/etc. they find useful.
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