WELCOME! Welcome to bbbprooooo's mapping tournament!
Discord ● Mapper Sign-up ● Staff Sign-up ● Donator Sign-up ● Main Sheet (unfinished)
bbbprooooo's mapping tournament is a, well, mapping tournament. Unlike a lot of mapping contests, this one is splitted into different rounds until one is left victorious! More info on the rounds will be below this. If you have any questions please comment it in the comment section of the forum post.
These are rules you MUST follow in order to participate in this event. If you break these rules under any circumstance, you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament. More info will be on disqualification and how it works in the future.
1) No using AI or having someone else make the map for you under their name, mapping tutors/teachers are not a part of this rule.
2) No large amounts of disrespect towards another, being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or being disrespectful because of a part of someone they cant control, especially when using slurs like n____r and f____t to insult people will result in disqualification from the tournament.
2a) Try to stay civil, please keep arguments in discord dms/osu! pms or in group chats not apart of this server.
3) No posting NSFW content in the discord. Posting anything like Porn, Gore (gore drawings are not a part of this, but please spoiler it and put a warning, failing to do so will result in a warning, and if done a second time will result in disqualification.) Self-Harm photos, or highly suggestive media will result in a disqualification, and/or warnings.
3a) Posting disturbing audio or videos is also not accepted anywhere. This will also cause you to get a warning, then if done again will result in a disqualification.
1st place gets: (no prize yet) and banner
2nd place gets: (no prize yet) and banner
3rd place gets: (no prize yet) and banner
4th-8th place gets: banner
6th-?th place gets: nothing
If you would like to sign up to give people supporter for the prize pool, please sign up > here < (link currently not made yet)
people who volenteer do donate will be put in credits
Classes are the skill level you are at, here are the current class ratings:
Amateur/Beginner Graveyarded Mappers:
These are mappers who typically made less than 10 uploaded beatmaps, and havent really made maps with consistency, good spread, or/and a lack of hitsounding (usually for ranked beatmaps, if they have one)
Intermediate/Professional Graveyarded Mappers:
These are mappers who typically have more than 20 beatmaps and have made multiple efforts to get a map ranked. These maps have good consistency, spread, hitsounding, and is great overall, although not quite rankable yet.
Loved Mappers:
These are mappers who have only loved maps (Gd's Included) (besides graveyarded, pending, and WIP maps) or has more loved maps than ranked maps. If all of your loved maps are aspire/not a normal beatmap, you will be automatically put in "Intermediate/Professional Graveyarded Mappers" instead
Beginner Ranked Mappers:
These are mappers who typically have less than 20 ranked beatmaps, and have more ranked beatmaps than loved beatmaps (Gd's Included). These are mappers who have not yet became one of the all-time greats, but are sure as hell getting there!
Experienced Ranked Mappers:
These are mappers who typically have more than 30 ranked beatmaps, or/and have made a name for themselves in the osu! community. Alot of these mappers are either BN's or/and NAT's. If there is not enough people in this class, all of them will be competing with the Beginner Ranked Mappers instead.
All classes will have their own judges, and different challenges. If we cant find enough judges, we will merge similar classes together (etc. the graveyarded classes)
Each class will have different things for each round, but it still has the same structure.
THE TOURNAMENT WILL START 11/9 (subject to change) (also no i didnt mean for the date to look like that, it was just a saturday in november i swear i kghkghsgh)
ROUND TWO: RO64 (64 people)
ROUND THREE: RO32 (32 people)
ROUND FOUR: RO16 (16 people)
ROUND FIVE: RO8 (8 people)
ROUND SEVEN: REJOIN (2 people from each class rejoin the tournament)
If more than half of the people in the round get disqualified/leave the tournament (e.g. round three more than 16 people leave.) everyone does the round after that (in this case, we would do round four where only 8 people make it.) So that it is more organized that way.
Again, any questions should be in the comment section.
For every round in this tourney, there will be different challenges. (you probably already know this idk why im saying it again)
Possible challenges:
Certain type of map (e.g. jump map, tach map, stream map, etc.)
Slider art
You can only ____ for this map (e.g. you can only place circles for this map, no sliders or spinners.)
You can't ____ for this map (e.g. you can't use curved sliders)
More WILL be added in the future, so stay tuned!!!
Currently none atm, but any info revealed later will be added here :3
[size=150][b]CHAPTER 3:
Chapter two and three will be finished later.
If you're wondering why there isn't any links yet, I'm still working on everything, but everything should be done in a couple days at most. (The Main Sheet will take a while though, or at least not be your typical Main Sheet.)
Please tell me about any spelling errors or things i fucked up please <3