
[STD] Axolotl's Gimmick Draft Tournament 3 | 4v4 Draft | Open Rank

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When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
Henry Ford
Axolotl’s Gimmick Draft Tournament 3 is a 4v4, team size 8, double elimination draft tournament.
(Team size subject to change depending on signups)
You must join the Discord to participate.

Main Sheet | Discord | Registration | Bracket | Stream

  1. This tournament will be played on Score V2. NF is enforced.
  2. There will be 8 teams
  3. There will be no bans in any stage of this tournament.
  4. As suggested by the tournament name, the pools in this tournament will be composed of maps that may be considered unorthodox, or otherwise “gimmick.” For more clarification on what this means, please read the Mappool Information.
  5. Because of this, we will release the Quarterfinals and Semifinals mappools in advance so you can decide whether you would enjoy this tournament before you sign up.
  6. Players will register individually and will be drafted by one of the captains of each team.
  7. Captains will primarily be handpicked by the hosts. By stating you want to be a captain in the signups sheet, you are NOT guaranteed to be captain. Similarly, if you do not state you want to be a captain, you may still be handpicked as one for balancing purposes.
  8. All players are required to be in the tournament Discord server and stay there until they are eliminated.
  9. Any toxicity towards other players, staff members, or users in the discord server, matches, or direct messages will be punished accordingly.
  10. UTC will be used as the time format. To assist in finding out your earliest & latest time zone availability in UTC, use this tool.
  11. All staff members except graphic designers, streamers, and commentators are NOT ALLOWED to play in the tournament.

  1. The mappools in this tournament will contain Nomod, Hidden, Hard Rock, Double Time, Skillcap, Accuracy Win Condition, and Tie Breaker slots.
  2. The Skillcap slots will contain maps that are much harder in nature than the rest of the pool. How much harder will vary, but the maps will generally be around 1 star harder than the rest of the pool, and may be played with free mods.
  3. The accuracy pool will contain maps that test tapping, and they will be played with nomod.
  4. The Tie Breaker slots must be played with at least 1 player using Hidden, and 1 player using Hardrock per team. The remaining 2 players are not required to take a mod, but can if they choose.
  5. The Quarterfinals and Semifinals mappools can be found on the main sheet now. It is strongly encouraged to look at these maps before signing up, to ensure you will enjoy playing in this tournament.
  6. The QF and SF pools may be subject to minor changes until signups are concluded.

3NM | 3HD | 3HR | 2DT | 1SC | 1ACC | 1TB
7.0*, BO11

3NM | 3HD | 3HR | 2DT | 2SC | 2ACC | 1TB
7.2*, BO11

3NM | 3HD | 3HR | 2DT | 2SC | 2ACC | 1TB
7.4*, BO13

Grand Finals
3NM | 3HD | 3HR | 2DT | 2SC | 2ACC | 1TB
7.7*, BO13

  1. Captains will be handpicked by the hosts after signups end.
  2. The draft will use a serpentine format.
  3. Example:
    Pick 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Pick 2: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    Pick 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  4. Each captain will get 1 minute to pick a player when it is their turn.
  5. Seeding will be determined by draft order. (Ex. the first captain to draft will be #1 seed, and the last will be #8 seed.)

  1. Every match will be scheduled in UTC time.
  2. If you are having issues regarding scheduling, please DM a host as soon as possible so that an agreement can be reached.
  3. The referee will send an invite and a ping to the captain 10 minutes before the match starts.
  4. If your team cannot field 4 players 10 minutes after the match was scheduled, you will be forced to forfeit.
  5. Warmups will not be allowed.
  6. There will be no bans.
  7. Each captain will !roll, and the winner will choose first or second pick.
  8. Double picking (picking the same modpool twice in a row) is allowed.
  9. Players will have 60 seconds to pick a map, and 30 seconds to ready up.
  10. If a player disconnects or has a technical issue or disconnects during the first 30 seconds of the map, the map will be aborted and replayed.
  11. If a player disconnects and finishes out the map, screenshot proof of their score must be sent to the ref to determine the winner, otherwise, the player’s score will not be counted.
  12. Tiebreakers will be played with freemod. Each team is required to have one HR, one HD. The fourth player can take either NM, HD, or HR.

Registration: Sep 3 - Sep 19, 23:59 UTC
Screening: Sep 20 - Sep 26
Draft: Sep 28 - Sep 29 (Exact time TBD)
Quarterfinals: Oct 4 - Oct 6
Semifinals: Oct 11 - Oct 13
Finals: Oct 18 - Oct 20
Grand Finals: Oct 25 - Oct 27
Dates may be subject to change depending on when we receive screening results.

First Place: Profile Badge (PENDING) + Profile Banner
Second Place: Profile Banner
Third Place: Profile Banner

Work while they talk, strive while they mock, persevere while they jeer, and succeed while they hate.
we're so back
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xtal wrote:

Work while they talk, strive while they mock, persevere while they jeer, and succeed while they hate.
this guy GETS it
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format changed to 4v4 team size 8 with 8 teams! 3 days left to signup guys!!!!
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