
STN - The Limbo [Osu|OsuMania|CatchTheBeat|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Samstag, 09. August 2014 at 16:56:44

Artist: STN
Title: The Limbo
Source: beatmania IIDX
BPM: 200
Filesize: 5563kb
Play Time: 01:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (3,42 stars, 292 notes)
  2. Beginner (1,38 stars, 95 notes)
  3. Pew's HD - 7Key (4,06 stars, 1284 notes)
  4. Pew's SHD - 7Key (5,56 stars, 1612 notes)
  5. Priti's Another (4,91 stars, 459 notes)
  6. Rumi's MX - 7Key (4,55 stars, 1562 notes)
  7. Spec's Overdose (7 stars, 620 notes)
  8. Standard (1,92 stars, 157 notes)
  9. TK'S Inner Oni (5,78 stars, 996 notes)
  10. TK'S Muzukashii (4,21 stars, 604 notes)
  11. TK'S Oni (4,52 stars, 772 notes)
  12. Wrath (5,39 stars, 610 notes)
  13. Zexous' Hyper (3,88 stars, 352 notes)
Download: STN - The Limbo
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Priti's Another by Priti
Zexous's Hyper by Zexous
Pew's SHD and HD by ExPew
Rumi's MX by - R u m i a -
All Taiko diffs by TKS
Overdose by Spectator
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Frostmourne wrote:

Some tags: Tatsh CYBER PUNK 19 Lincle BEMANI Konami
I'll start working on my diff asap
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I'll add the tags as soon as BSS works
I also received TK'S taiko diffs
it's alright.
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well, pew...
I was waiting for you to get online so we can do the Overdose together ;~;
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Pew HP10 pls
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- R u m i a - wrote:

Pew HP10 pls
I won't allow this LOL
i was joking lolol.

Zare wrote:

i see u miss there.....


- R u m i a - wrote:

Pew HP10 pls
die instant.....



CTB modding :3
in korean

Add Spectator to the tags

[Spec's Overdose]
00:25:432 (6) - 슬라이더 끗부분 하이퍼 없애시는게?
00:39:382 (3) - 제가 아마 찾던 하이퍼 조금만 더타면 틀리는 서클이 이거였던듯
00:48:382 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 이부분 디스턴스 일정하게 하시는걸 추천 너무 받기가 어렵네여 ㅜ 특히 00:49:132 (2) - 이게 너무 떨어져있어서 이거놓치고 다 틀리게되는..
00:58:507 (3) - 이부분 하이퍼 타자마자 방향바꾸고 바로 또 하이퍼가 있어서 슬라방향을 바꾸시거나 슬라끝부분 과일에 하이퍼를 없애주시는게? 아니면 슬라이더 거리를 조금만 줄여주셔도 편해질듯
키아이타임에 01:19:132 (4) - 이런 리턴슬라이더들을 조금만 위로 세워주시면 좋을꺼같네요 하이퍼 바로직후슬라이더들이라 조금 어려울수도 있겠네요
01:25:432 (6) - 5번서클이랑 거리 조금 좁히시는게 어떨까요

큰문제는 없어보이네요

FCed it xD

good luck :3
You're the best
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- R u m i a - wrote: mx
Wow, thanks! I can't add it right now, because I'm abroad. I'll be able to add it in about 24 hours though...

Chocoliti wrote:

You're the best
No, you're the best! :3
update hitkeysound ww!~

Serena- wrote:

CTB modding :3
in korean

Add Spectator to the tags

[Spec's Overdose]
00:25:432 (6) - 슬라이더 끗부분 하이퍼 없애시는게? 이건 더 많은 지적이 들어오면 생각해보겠습니다~
00:39:382 (3) - 제가 아마 찾던 하이퍼 조금만 더타면 틀리는 서클이 이거였던듯 Fixed
00:48:382 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 이부분 디스턴스 일정하게 하시는걸 추천 너무 받기가 어렵네여 ㅜ 특히 00:49:132 (2) - 이게 너무 떨어져있어서 이거놓치고 다 틀리게되는.. Fixed
00:58:507 (3) - 이부분 하이퍼 타자마자 방향바꾸고 바로 또 하이퍼가 있어서 슬라방향을 바꾸시거나 슬라끝부분 과일에 하이퍼를 없애주시는게? 아니면 슬라이더 거리를 조금만 줄여주셔도 편해질듯 이건.. 그냥 냅둘께요 ㅠ
키아이타임에 01:19:132 (4) - 이런 리턴슬라이더들을 조금만 위로 세워주시면 좋을꺼같네요 하이퍼 바로직후슬라이더들이라 조금 어려울수도 있겠네요 Fixed
01:25:432 (6) - 5번서클이랑 거리 조금 좁히시는게 어떨까요 Fixed

큰문제는 없어보이네요

FCed it xD

good luck :3
pro xD

thank you ~
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thanks guys
nice keysounds btw....i can do HD this after rumi diff done
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ExPew wrote:

nice keysounds btw....i can do HD this after rumi diff done
Sure, why not LOL
It's actually really hard for a Hyper, you could even manage to call it an Another but I think it could still work as a Hyper (110 circle vs. 241 slider, only difficulty is some spacing)...
Sorry for delay on a shitty diff anyway :S
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This is good!
No, the difficulty is totally fine for a Hyper imo
The mapset is going to look like this anyways: Beginner, Standard, Advanced (a more Hard-ish diff), Hyper (Hard with Insane-ish elements), Another (Insane stuff etc), Wrath (Extra)
Just like I did with Mephisto...
Anyway, thanks for your diff! (I'll add all the remaining GD tags as soon as the mapset is complete, if noone minds...)
fixed several notes on SHD


new diff HD =

fuk u rumia...ur MX fkin shit like SHD too....pls nerf little hhhhhhhhhh

i going to keysound it when mania get modded except rumia diff

i guess we need NM diff
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I'll add it as soon as I get home
Thankies :3
you know its a big gap pew hhhhhhh

- R u m i a - wrote:

you know its a big gap pew hhhhhhh
imb4 inaccurate diff lvl hhhhh........well HD also imba too i guess
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HD's end is way harder than an HD should be LOL
can't update, BSS won't allow. I'll try again later

Alumetorz wrote:

HD's end is way harder than an HD should be LOL
can't update, BSS won't allow. I'll try again later
yea....i need to balance diffspread on HD between MX diff....not too much gap(oh shit, why i always make too hard??)

SHD - 1612 notes = Most LNs everywhere and very shitnote at middle to the end
MX - 1562 notes = Balanced notes with LNs and Normal Notes (but dat LNs trick #BANrumia)
HD - 1284 notes = Most normal notes and less LNs (and streams, IIDX / BMS style)

but really needs NM diff

oh yea AlumETorz....i guess OD6 not fit with that.... i think HP7 OD7 really suit on HD

-not forcing you update now, i understand ur current situation.....when want to update fix these too :oops:
Alumet .. orz
BSS screwed me over too man
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Sorry guys for being kinda inactive lately. School's been making me very busy, thus not allowing me to finish this mapset for now. I do plan to finish it especially because there are so many guest diffs. But it will take another week until I can start focusing on this. Just wanna let you know I didn't drop this or anything. I am so going to rank this!
Thank you for your patience

Alumetorz wrote:

Sorry guys for being kinda inactive lately. School's been making me very busy, thus not allowing me to finish this mapset for now. I do plan to finish it especially because there are so many guest diffs. But it will take another week until I can start focusing on this. Just wanna let you know I didn't drop this or anything. I am so going to rank this!
Thank you for your patience
no prob bro irl kill people as always

Alumetorz wrote:

Sorry guys for being kinda inactive lately. School's been making me very busy, thus not allowing me to finish this mapset for now. I do plan to finish it especially because there are so many guest diffs. But it will take another week until I can start focusing on this. Just wanna let you know I didn't drop this or anything. I am so going to rank this!
Thank you for your patience
That totally worked out actually because I have three weeks of AP testing and then probably more weeks of finals so
Alu called me here, hi.

00:05:332 (24,25,26,27,28,29) - make d k k d k k? imo it's simplier to play
00:07:582 (34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47) - Maybe split? That BPM with that lenght in a Muzukashii is pretty hard, remove 00:08:482 (40) to solve this.
00:12:382 (58) - d here? k sounds too high and it would emphasize the next following k's.
00:26:182 (129) - Slider is unsnapped at the end.
00:26:782 (130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144) - Another long pattern.. remove 00:27:982 (138) ?
00:31:582 (162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176) - Same here, remove 00:32:782 (170) .
00:35:932 (190,191,192,193) - Instead of d kkk do ddd k, there is a much more significated sound at 00:36:007.
00:40:732 (213) - Let this circle out? Would create a good flow.
00:54:232 (275) - k instead?
01:06:082 (329) - d here? Sounds better to me.
01:06:532 (332) - It doesn't really fit here, the 1/2 break here has a good flow.
01:10:132 (353) - ^
01:23:032 (423) - d here?
01:31:432 (474) - ^

The 1/4 circles from 00:56:932 - 01:17:332 are pretty overkill.. not sure if they are suitable for Muzukashii. Tho I see you want to create a acceptable gap from Muzukashii to Oni.

00:26:782 (160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174) - Why is that part so plain made compared to 00:31:582 (195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209) - ? Try to make it more exciting here.
00:56:782 - 00:57:532 - Call me noob or not but that's immensive tricky to play. Well, it's not because it's so hard but it's unconfortable to tap.

Good Difficulty!

[Inner Oni]
-A- I suck in Taiko but there is nothing wrong I could mention.

Stefan wrote:

Alu called me here, hi.

00:05:332 (24,25,26,27,28,29) - make d k k d k k? imo it's simplier to play - sounds good.
00:07:582 (34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47) - Maybe split? That BPM with that lenght in a Muzukashii is pretty hard, remove 00:08:482 (40) to solve this. - deleted 00:08:632 -
00:12:382 (58) - d here? k sounds too high and it would emphasize the next following k's. - i want to keep this.
00:26:182 (129) - Slider is unsnapped at the end. - snapped on 1/16
00:26:782 (130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144) - Another long pattern.. remove 00:27:982 (138) ? - deleted 00:27:832 (136) -
00:31:582 (162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176) - Same here, remove 00:32:782 (170) . - the same.
00:35:932 (190,191,192,193) - Instead of d kkk do ddd k, there is a much more significated sound at 00:36:007. - current pattern works well to me.
00:40:732 (213) - Let this circle out? Would create a good flow. - youre right!
00:54:232 (275) - k instead? - i dont prefer "k K" ;_;
01:06:082 (329) - d here? Sounds better to me.
01:06:532 (332) - It doesn't really fit here, the 1/2 break here has a good flow.
01:10:132 (353) - ^
01:23:032 (423) - d here? - fixed.
01:31:432 (474) - ^ - keep a kat for now.

The 1/4 circles from 00:56:932 - 01:17:332 are pretty overkill.. not sure if they are suitable for Muzukashii. Tho I see you want to create a acceptable gap from Muzukashii to Oni. - i think so too. i have just simplified these.0

00:26:782 (160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174) - Why is that part so plain made compared to 00:31:582 (195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209) - ? Try to make it more exciting here. - 00:31:582 ~ has the guitar sound.
00:56:782 - 00:57:532 - Call me noob or not but that's immensive tricky to play. Well, it's not because it's so hard but it's unconfortable to tap. - lol, well yes. i will fix to smoothly.

Good Difficulty!

[Inner Oni]
-A- I suck in Taiko but there is nothing wrong I could mention.
sorry for late. thanks for mod!! ... 0Limbo.rar
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gonna map the other diffs after this week
/me runs
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Also, Priti's and my diff are soon to come...

/edit: i'm going to be abroad for the next two weeks. i will rarely have internet there... Sorry to let you guys wait for so long :(
yay now rank it.
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soon unRIP, waiting for maniarinos
came here for the obligatory "OD+1"
then realized it's IIDX

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