
[osu!stable] Cannot connect to BanchoBot

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Mój problem polega na tym , że nie moge grać multiplayer ponieważ za każdym razem jak stworzę / dołącze do lobby to na dole ekrany pisze mi " Rozłączono... "( + pisze mi , żeby grać online musze byc połączony z buncho ) i wywala mnie do ekranu głownego OSU i po chwili znów na dole ekranu pisze mi " WItaj ponownie w Buncho " Mam normlanie internet , resetowałem komputer i nie wiem co mam zrobić z tym , żeby sobie pograć Online . Z góry dziękuje za odpowiedź !


My problem is that I can't play multiplayer because every time a creature is/joins a lobby it says "Disconnected..." at the bottom of the screen (+ tells me that to play online it must be used with buncho) and takes me to the OSU main screen and after a while it writes to me again at the bottom of the screen "Welcome back to Buncho" I have normal internet, I reset the computer, I don't know what to do to play online. Thank you in advance for your answer!
Moved to help.
Lets try and see what is happening, switch to cutting edge release stream please.

Open osu!, let it run for a little bit, wait for the issue to happen, then when the issue happens please navigate to your osu! folder, then look for the Logs folder. In that folder there is going to be a network.log, copy and paste its contents into here so we can take a look at it.
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