
What motivates you to play osu?

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Osu is a fun game. I am also horrifically bad at it, and I think it would be more fun if I were better at the game. Except I have to play the game more to do that, and playing to improve isn't fun because improvement is very slow and grindy.

What do?
Stop worrying about improvement so much. You will improve when you will improve, and everyone improves at different rates. Some people can rocket to the top essentially immediately; some will rocket up then plateau; some will have steady improvement; some will flatline for weeks and then spike up suddenly; and others will just be all over the place.

Maybe you're just the slow and steady type. Or maybe what you're doing to improve isn't the way you should be improving. Or you're just not finding the right ways to play. Maybe you want to score farm, or do SS farming like me. Maybe there's a specific SR range you like and want to try and dominate. Or a favorite mod combo. Or a favorite mapping style (stream, jump, alt, tech, some mix of those). Give them an honest try and see how you feel about each of them, and then we can circle back once you have something substantive about each of those (in your view)
to work with.
What motivates me? The chase of the score. Its such a rush when I get a top score and thats probably why I rarely set them, because I care too much. Well theres no stopping me from caring that much because its the reason I play the game. I dont suggest playing like this though, because it leads to a terrible mindset that you may not escape from.

Improvement IS slow and grindy, if you dont enjoy it than just dont think any deeper than searching up songs you like and playing those. Really think about the exact reason you find the game fun and do something that aligns with what you enjoy in the game without worrying about improvement, the part you dont enjoy. To me it's easier said than done to stop caring about improvement, but judging by your post its the best way for you to have fun.
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Voidedosu wrote:

Stop worrying about improvement so much.
I think worried is the wrong word. I could quit tomorrow and couldn't care less. Concerned? Anticipating? Idk

I want to play better but I don't think I can do anything about it without being motivated to play more somehow. Right now I'm too garbage to worry about things like mapping styles or goals imo. Most of the good maps, songs I want to play, scores I want to set, etc. are just too hard. I guess I just don't know what to do in this game as a 6 digit besides try to improve
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When it comes to motivation, I think i just want to fc maps/songs that i liked.

As a Touhou fan, I really love maps with touhou songs, and there's one specific map that I want to be able to fc back then (beatmapsets/656918#osu/1501711 <-the Lunatic diff specifically). But well, it's a 5* after all, back then I was only able to play 2*

I kept pushing myself, while setting goals that were more achievable that time, such as fcing (beatmapsets/49852#osu/153515) hard diff. It wasn't easy... I have been stuck on 2* for 5-6 months during that period, I really thought it was my limit to play 2.7-2.8* back then.

But all the time I spent on 2* paid off, eventually I can fc 3*, one step closer to my initial goal. But soon there's the 4* barrier which made me deleted osu once. (You can even search for my first forum post if you want to know how hard i struggled). Still I made it... and you know the drill already so I won't drag any longer.

TL;DR: Play osu for songs/music that you like around your skill level. You don't have to play for improvements, as it would eventually comes to you instead. People improves at their own pace, but no matter who you are, patience is always the key >w<
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