
Getting better at this 4 star map

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Hello everyone, well, I'm a rookie player who entered the world of 4 stars since about last year.
My peak difficulty is 4.5 stars depending on the map, (triump & regret is 5 stars it's not difficult for me)
I aspire like 3249834385 more people to be a chordjacks, jumpstreams main and all that, you know
So I have this map beatmapsets/1978150 that I want to clear with S rank in the 4.19 stars difficulty. I play it very much but I can't finish it, not even get a decent 95% accuracy
So, what would be your recommendations to pass the map progressively through the attempts?
I save you 50% of the work, my stamina is bad
Thanks all, any answer will be received
I suppose you have already played the 0.8x ver so i'd recommend trying the 0.9 now. Otherwise i'd just say to search for more speedjack maps and pay some attention to the bpm, don't hold back about star rating when trying new maps.
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Ok thanks, i didnt know about "speedjacks" word! I supose I need to improve my bpm speed
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