
It is learning DT and HR really necesary if i want to get better?

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Since I started playing this game, I'm a NM onetrick, I play very little DT (and only on easy maps) and no HR (a little these days because I wanted to improve a bit). This happens to me because I don't enjoy playing with these mods at all (and to make it worse I have very serious problems reading ar higher than 10) but a lot of people told me lately that if I want to improve more in this game I have to learn to play them. Are these people right? And if they are, how could I improve playing these mods without having a bad time?

pd: sorry for the bad english i use a translator to write this
It's not necessary to get better. I personally basically got to where I am with only NM, and I will continue to do so in the future.

Playing with mods is really only that; modifying the way you play the game. Sure, if you want to be #1 and/or have a lot of 1K+pp plays you WILL have to learn dt at minimum, but if that's not a goal you want for yourself then don't put that kind of undue stress on yourself. Just keep playing NM and dabble in the rest if you want.
KS Wicher
Answering the question mods are not necesarry to get better (but)

Honestly if you master AR10 the only big difficulty in HR will be small circles
Playing high CS helps you get more consistent and I wish i played it more

Once you Learn HR most DT maps in your BPM range will be playable for you because maps below 220 BPM (DT) are mostly AR8.5 which is ar 10 (DT)

If you dont intend to play higher BPM than you do now there is no point in learning high AR and DT
Unless you want to

After all osu is a game where you do what you want to do
Mods are optional, not necessary

Play more and you'll git gud
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