
I will never break this record again. (78 hours logged on.)

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Well, some months ago i posted an image of an osu session lasting over 31 hours, i did that on my fathers computer, but the next time i tried that, i instead used my sisters laptop, since she doesent use it that much, but i totally regret doing that, the laptop is now fine and safe (im writing this post from that laptop) and the final result was: 78 hours, yeah, its really crazy but it had some bad things that happened to the laptop, one day, continuing the streak, the laptop didnt wanted to launch, it was stuck in the windows 10 thing, without showing the hour and those things, making the laptop impossible to launch, then when i turned off the laptop, it was stuck again in the hp loading screen.

It lasted like that during 1 day, until today, i turned on the laptop praying to it to work and, it did!

I feel so stupid for wanting to make an absurd record just for recognition, when i posted that image it became the most commented post on my account, i felt great but in need to break the record, and i put the laptop in risk of hard damaging it, i feel so stupid.

Thanks to that, i will not continue this logged streak, and it does not affect me by any ways.
Thats pretty funny tbh even if it is pointless

Time to go for 500 hours :trolley:
Now here comes the electricity bill
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Now here comes the electricity bill
Um, no, it was a laptop, and i closed it sometimes, but osu would keep open.
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