
(Lazer!); Don't make the replay fail

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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If you fail a map and then watch the replay the replay itself fails as well and you're greeted with the failed screen, then you have an option to either retry or quit. This is especially annoying when I try to practice/see where I went wrong in a song and I can't simply rewind back because the game already failed the replay.

I can't remember if replays failed on Osu!Stable too however. It's been so long since I touched the stable release.
agree with you
I agree too.
This behavior is in both osu!lazer and osu!stable. Use auto, no fail, or something else maybe if you want to make sure your replays can be watched for practice.

I do believe dev work is going to eventually touch a practice tool or something of the sort, but until then I dont foresee this changing.

If you want to petition this change then take a gander on the github (see:, make a discussion and see what they may want to say, if anything.
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