
I cant stream at all

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Hi, i have practised streams for the last year or so about 600-700 hours, watched all videos on youtube and read like all forums about how to be better at streaming in osu. I eaven uppgraded my keyboard to an wooting in hope that ut would be esier to train. Im so feed up that as soon it is a stream in a map i cant fc it or combo it and it feals like i have to learn streams to progress in osu.

I have tried play dt aim but there are often some tripples that are more than 200 bpm and i cant do them and almost all other maps i want to fc have one or more streams in them.

So my problem with streams are that what ever im doing i cant consistency hit more than 8-9 circles in like 175-185bpm and i have tried like every method to do more but i just cant do it, and i know my issue is my index finger just wont work (i have practice those slow bpm streams). Pleese someone i need help and i dont know what to do.

Rtikk wrote:

Hi, i have practised streams for the last year or so about 600-700 hours, watched all videos on youtube and read like all forums about how to be better at streaming in osu. I eaven uppgraded my keyboard to an wooting in hope that ut would be esier to train. Im so feed up that as soon it is a stream in a map i cant fc it or combo it and it feals like i have to learn streams to progress in osu.

I have tried play dt aim but there are often some tripples that are more than 200 bpm and i cant do them and almost all other maps i want to fc have one or more streams in them.

So my problem with streams are that what ever im doing i cant consistency hit more than 8-9 circles in like 175-185bpm and i have tried like every method to do more but i just cant do it, and i know my issue is my index finger just wont work (i have practice those slow bpm streams). Pleese someone i need help and i dont know what to do.
Hi, i have practised streams for the last year or so about 600-700 hours, watched all videos on youtube and read like all forums about how to be better at streaming in osu. I eaven uppgraded my keyboard to an wooting in hope that ut would be esier to train. Im so feed up that as soon it is a stream in a map i cant fc it or combo it and it feals like i have to learn streams to progress in osu.
All of these are not quite in the equation. Also, Wooting doesn't help you stream better. It just allows you to cheese the stream better. *edit: I have to emphasize that I firmly believe that Wooting is for those who had really mastered the basics. Rapid trigger is for good players, as I've seen intermediate players ruined their fundamental skills and perhaps have to work for another year to reclaim those skills because they just want to tap faster streams and ended up creating a bad habit of cheesing the streams. Where a month later they have to backtrack from playing 6* to 4* all over. Because those bad habits linger bro.

I have tried play dt aim but there are often some tripples that are more than 200 bpm and i cant do them and almost all other maps i want to fc have one or more streams in them.

So my problem with streams are that what ever im doing i cant consistency hit more than 8-9 circles in like 175-185bpm and i have tried like every method to do more but i just cant do it, and i know my issue is my index finger just wont work (i have practice those slow bpm streams). Pleese someone i need help and i dont know what to do.
First off, I read your profile to find out that you have good acc and stability. This lead me to think that 'Wait... This guy is different from those jump and stream maniacs who can't even do normal maps good.'. Bad news is, I believe you hard taps your keyboard hitting those notes. Hard-tapping gives you good acc, easier to learn, but bad everything else if that sounds familiar.

All 4 modes in osu! actually requires you to have a strong fingerplay skill to be good. For instance, since I'm a Taiko player, I'll show you who I think has one of the best finger skills in the mode. Former rank 1 majimanji with his 1:06 timestamp play. Watch his fingers.

Why I think you actually hard hit your board is because you said 'I can't consistently* hit more than 8-9 circles' in normal BPM. Hard hitting induces tension and therefore slows you down (for the part where your index doesn't work, incidentally is one of the symptoms too). IF you force it you might get an injury so be careful there.

Proceed to learn better finger skills. Be patient, it'll take time... But well worth it.

I say good luck.
I was kind of in the same situation not too long ago. I was actually better at streams the first year I played and it kept getting worse because I was playing too much, I couldnt stream at all with 2 fingers on the same hand. So I decided to try a different playstyle.

Went from playing with tablet to playing with mouse as click-x. One finger on the mouse and one on the keyboard, mainly clickng with mouse for me or even you can fully alt if you master it.

I can stream much better and I just got my first 300 not long ago. It does take some time to get used to but Im having much more fun than when I was only doing jump maps.

Good luck 👍
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